L’Albera frontière
In: l’Albera 2000 ans d’histoire, page 239-248. Available as a pdf-file
chapter describes the delimitation-proces in l'Albère, the most eastern
(French) part of the Pyrenees and in particular the dispute about the
strip near Le Perthus. It includes extracts of the Treaty of the
Pyrenees localizing each bordermarker)
Le traité des Pyrénées - texte intégral en français moderne
Monhélios, 2008. - 144p. - ISBN 2914709730
(The original text of the Treaty of the Pyrenees and the Treaty of Llivia 'translated' in modern french)
Les bornes d'Itxassou et leurs mésavontures
In: Revue de l'Association JAKINTZA, N° spécial Février 2014
(Apparently part of a larger volume ("Itxassou", see
this very interesting article has a focus on the bordermarkers 75
and 76 at Col de Gorospil, which have been replaced several times since
the second half of the 20th century. The vandalized bordermarkers,
thrown down the hillside W, form now a sort of cemetary of
bordermarkers. In its introduction, the article gives an ample
description of the border-related treaties since the middle ages.)
French filmmaker who made two documentaries on the esfr-border. See in this list
- L'homme
- Patz
Grands ports des Pyrénées
Published by Sirius, 1986
ISBN 2904027173, 9782904027178
270 pagina's
El deslinde de la frontera en pirineos centrales (1857-1863)
In: Geographicalia (2013), 63-64, pag. 43-61. Can be downloaded at this site or from my website.
article focusses on the diplomatic way of thinking and acting when the
delimitation-process took place in the central Pyrenees in the 19th
century. Although all former local cross-border agreements were
initially declared of no value, the commissioners did their best to
find out which they were, to mediate in existing conflicts and to
incorporate them when possible/needed in the Bayonne Treaty)
Historia del deslinde de la frontera Hispano-Francesa : del tratado de
los Pirineos (1659) a los tratados de Bayona (1856-1868)
Madrid : Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica, 2009. - ISBN: 978-84-416-1480-2
(this book, meant as a preparation for a thesis (which focusses on the Girona-province) and ready for download with this link and also on my website,
is an elaborate spanish study of the delimitation of the esfr-border
from the Treaty of the Pyrenees until the Bayonne-treaties. In annexes
B and C we find all treaties until 1880 in the spanish
language. The author is a member of a esfr-delimitation-commission, the
"Commission Mixte d' Abornement". A review & summary of this book
is available (in Catalan) at this webpage.)
La delimitació de la frontera hispanofrancesa (1659-1868)
Doctoral thesis - Barcelona, 2011
is a catalan-language version of chapter V of his previous book,
focussing on the (border of) the Girona-province with more details of
the negotiation-process and 25k cartography. You can download the
thesis with this link or from my website)
Entre France et Espagne, Jean-Paul veille sur les bornes de la frontière
La Dépêche, 03/11/2010 (see this link or this pdf-article)
very interesting article in the newspaper La Dépeche on the
surveillance of the esfr-bordermarkers. It tells us that there
are three men in the Pyrenees assigned with the dream-job of checking
the bordermarkers. In this case it's an interview with Jean-Paul
Laborie - a retired geography-professor - who takes care of the
Pyrénées Centrales. We learn that Michael Ransou takes care of
the Pyrénées Atlantiques and André Pichon covers the
Pyrénées-Orientales. Apparently all three French which raises the
question who are their Spanish counterparts. Also interesting: a
reader's comment by - who else - Charles Darrieu who is indignant about
a wrong statement of Laborie about bm422 and in his answer
honours Jean Sermet, the famous bm-commissioner. Both article and comment are reproduced in this pdf-article
indeed amazing that Laborie seems to start from scratch, suggesting
that there's no archive of pictures, directions, waypoints etcetera to
rely on. I hope he will soon find this website.)
Frontière : le retour de la borne 410
La Dépêche - Grand Sud - Pyrénées, 10 dec 2014 (see this link or this pdf-article)
newspaper-article on a maintenance-job on Pont du Roi. One of the
unnumbered submarkers (but NOT bm410) on the new bridge was repaired,
supervised by the French border-commissioner Jean-Paul Laborie and his
French counterpart Ruben Rumacha Grau. Jean-Paul explains why
maintenance of bordermarkers is still important: because they are our
CLARENS, Jean de
Retour sur la croix frontière
In: Pyrénées - Bulletin Pyrénéen. - Nr 232, octobre 2007, p.390
(An article about the fake bm316, see the curiosities-page)
DEREIX, André-Jaques
Chasseur de bornes en Pyrénées
Journal Sud Ouest – Le Mag – 15 september 2012, pag 36-37)
(newspaper article about Jacques Koleck, you can read it here)
DESCHEEMAEKER, Jacques (2003)
La frontière franco-espagnole de l'Océan à Bidarray.
In: VIIème Congres d'Etudes Basques = Eusko Ikaskuntzaren VII.
Kongresua = VII Congreso de Estudios Vascos (7º.1948.Biarritz).
Congresos de Estudios Vascos (7). Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia-San
Sebastián, pp. 617-621. ISBN 84-8419-917-7
(online available here, it gives a description of the esfr-borderline until bm090 with specific bordermarkers mentioned)
DORNEL, Laurent
La frontière (le voisin) et l'étranger : les enjeux indentitaires d'un conflit frontalier
In: Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle. - Numéro 24 (2002). p. 110-124
Online available at:
article is an analysis of the social-cultural impact of the
nationalisation of the French society in the 19th century upon the
Spanish and French rural communities on eitherside of the border,
especially in valley of Baïgorry. It gives a description of the
conflict in that valley but not of the establishment of the borderline
or the bordermarkes.)
EL El conflicto
de los alduides(pirineo Navarro): Estudio institucional de los
problemas de límites, pastos y Facerías según la documentación inédita
de los archivos franceses, siglos XVII-XIX
By Fernando de Arvizu y Galarraga, Fernando de Arvizu, Fernando Arvizu y Aguado, Jean Sermet
Edition: illustrated. - Published by Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Presidencia, 1992
ISBN 8423511316, 9788423511310. - 427 pages
book seems to be a revision of Jean Sermet's thesis
(doctoral)--Universidad de Toulouse I, 1990, under title: Le conflit
des Aldudes. The valley of Los Aldudes is situated in the
western Pyrenees to the south-west of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port.)
Pyrénées de la Liberté
Editions France Empire, 1983 and Editions Privat, 1998
(About the escape-routes in the Pyrenees in WWII)
Les feuilles du Pin à Crochets numéro 7 – Pyrenées frontières
Pau : Éditions du pin à crochets, 2006. – ISBN 2-911715-32-2
French magazine on the Pyrenees – with a literary style & design –
published in 2006 is an edition on the border aspects of the Pyrenees.
It contains 7 articles on a variety of Pyrenean border issues and is
illustrated by lots of b&w pictures, including old pictures of
borderpasses. You can still order this magazine:
See: MON pays, c'est la frontière
GARY, Alexandre
See: MON pays, c'est la frontière
La frontière franco-espagnole: Lieu de conflits interétatiques et de
collaboration interrégionale. Journée d'études, Pau, 16 nov. 1996
Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour. Centre d'études basques
Published by Presses Univ de Bordeaux, 1998
ISBN 2867812240, 9782867812248. - 164 pages
(The text is online available at : )
HIRSCHINGER, Jean and Simone Hondelatte
Les bornes frontières au Pays baque - bornes 1 à 262 de Hendaye au col
de la Pierre Saint Martin - de borne en borne en prenant le temps du
plaisir et le plaisir du temps
Dax, 2014 - a private publication
Hirschinger and his partner Simone Hondelatte have since 2010 searched
and photographed the bordermarkers of the Basque country: no. 1 to 262.
They have now published their pictures and information on itineraries,
maps, details in a marvellous and inspiring book. Have a look at their brochure and how to order it.
Histoire de la frontière, du Pays Basque à la Catalogne
Pyrénées Magazine, 30 april 2010
special edition - Pyrénées Histoire - of this magazine, devoted to the
history of the esfr-border. With articles on various aspects and
one on the bordermarkers. Beautiful pictures. In january 2011
still for sale on this site)
L'homme de la frontière : reportage réalisé par Luc Bazin
Coproduit par FR3sud, 1995. - 26 minutes. - en Beta SP
("the man of the border", a documentary on Jean Sermet, the geographer who "knew all the bordermarkers". It's available on dvd: mail Luc Bazin himself on
. He will burn the documentary on a dvd, together with his other
esfr-documentary "Patz Abant" (see further in this list). Expect to pay
± 30 euros for the dvd, excluding shipment charges)
Los mojones internacionales desde Biriatou hasta Arneguy : succinta
guia para el acceso a los mojones 1 al 196 (de Chapitelaco-Arria a
In: Bidasoako ikaskuntzen aldizkaria = Boletín de estudios del Bidasoa
= Révue d'Études de la Bidassoa, ISSN 1575-6114, Nº. 16, 1998 , pags.
(Download as pdf
(34mb) available on this site. An elaborate description of bm001 to
196: no pictures but exhaustive on history, typology, dimensions,
locations, maps, directions etcetera. A tremendous work)
MAUREL, Joaquín Bosque
Jean Sermet, Geografo Andalucista
In: Cuadernos geográficos de la Universidad de Granada, ISSN 0210-5462,
Nº 11, 1981 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Dedicado al Profesor Jean Sermet) ,
págs. 11-42
extensive article in Spanish on the scientific career of Jean Sermet
but primarily focussing on his geographical interest for Spain. His
efforts for the Pyrénéen border(markers) are briefly mentioned. The
bibliography of his publications seems exhaustive. Online available as
a .pdf at this weblink and locally on this site here )
MOLIA, Michel
Bornes Frontières des Pyrénées : Guide et Histoires
sept 2019
private publication. It describes his trips, gives practical advice and
is a pleasure to read. In a way, it is a printed version of the
‘guide’-part of his website
You might email him ( if you are interested in a copy.)
Entre Comminges et Val d'Aran : les deux ruisseaux frontière du Terme
dec. 2024
(An article about the border-history of the borderline between roughly bm407 and 409. Available as a pdf in the original French version and in an (automatically translated) English version)
MON pays, c'est la frontière
Directors: Alexandre Gary and Anne Fonteneau.
Paris : TF1, (broadcasted on) 15 febr. 15th 2015
is a fine documentary in the French series "Grand Reportages" of the
TF1-network. It seems you cannot watch it anymore online or download
it. If you are interested in a copy, mail me.
There are 6 storylines nicely intertwined. These stories are:
- Jean-Paul Laborie and Michel Bacchus finding bm379 and not finding
bm364, Jean-Paul also engaged in repairing an unnumbered bordermarker
on the new Pont du Roi near bm410. I
watched this storyline with special interest. Jean-Paul – a retired
geography-professor – is an official delegate of the Pyrenean
bordercommittee and Michel used to work for the IGN (French
geographical institute). That they couldn’t find bm364 didn’t surprise
me, it has been searched in vain by many others.
A team of customs-officers chasing liquor and tobacco-smugglers coming
from Andorra (a lot of manpower for small catches, I would say)
- a man fascinated by the derelict railway Pau – Canfranc (apparently it will be revived)
- a french haircutter running a hairdresser’s business in Llivia (Spanish females like colorful hair-dyes)
- about life in the “Pays Quint” with the venta above bm137 in the
spotlights and a woman who has moved to this peculiar ‘binational’
- and a French woman delivering her baby in the first cross-border
hospital of Europe: the ‘Hôpital de Cerdagne’ in Puigcerda (but with a
very large majority of Spanish workers)
MURRAY, David Seth
L'évolution des frontières de l'état français et de l'identité culturelle basque : perspectives anthropologiques
In: Lapardum, no. 8 (2003), p. 375-388
Online available at:
article gives a concise account of the Spanish-French conflict in the
valley of Baïgorry in the 19th century and before. The settlement of
the conflict by the Treaty of Elizonda of 1785 and finally by the
Bayonne treaty of 1856, led to the peculiar status of the Pays Quint.)
Patz Abant, Paix dorénavant! - a documentary by Luc Bazin
Montpellier, A.R.I.S., cop. 1995. - 26 min. - coproduction of ARIS / ELLIPSE / FRANCE 3 Sud
nice documentary describing three trans-border phenomena in the
Pyrenees: the centuries-old ceremony "le tribut de trois génisses" at
Arette-la-Pierre-Saint-Martin, the transhumance of cattle near Py and
the border-town of Le Perthus. Is still available on dvd -> see
"L'homme" in this list.)
PLUJÀ, Arnald
La Cova Foradada (borne 602) conditions de l'accès : El Cap de Creus
Ballade n°6 page 30, (original in Catalan)
this article describes how to reach the cave with bordercross 602 at
the Mediterranean floodline between Cerbère and Portbou. This
reference was found at this site: where a translation in French is indicated but not present)
Boundaries: The Making of France and Spain in the Pyrenees
Pyrenees boundary between France and Spain began in 1659 as a pretty
arbitrary line, but over the course of the next two centuries it was
worked out as a national border locally. Sahlins studied the Cerdanya,
a valley in the Pyrenees split between France and Spain, and shows how
localism formed national identities that were necessary for delineating
the boundary" - Jim Hart at
SANCHO, Javier
En busco de los hitos fronterizos : rutas por la Muga / Javier Sancho. - Pirineos Especial 9 –
El mundo de Pirineos. – junio 2010. – 147 p. / ISBN 978-84-8216-450-2
'book' is in fact a special edition of the Spanish magazine. Javier
Sancho describes 21 circular routes to bordermarkes – all along the
esfr-border -with routes starting both in France and Spain. The maps
could have been more elaborate but the photo’s are superb!
and his wife María-Jesús Sancho-Esnaola searched and found every
bordermarker in a pre-gps-time, an astonishing achievement. I know that
they assembled 6 volumes of information and pictures on the
esfr-bordermarkers. That makes one jealous, I would love to see those
SERMET, Jean Abornement de
la frontière du Departement de la Haut-Garonne / Commission
Internationale des Pyrénées - Rapport au Prefet Inspecteur General. -
1957. - 9 pag.
"De quelques questions touchant l'Abornement frontalier 1949-1998"
Historique et conditions du franchissement touristique de la frontière franco-espagnole en haute montagne pyrénéenne
In: Pyrénées - Musée Pyrénéen. - Lourdes : Musée Pyrénées, 1968. - no.76, pag. 283-287
Île des Faisans, Île de la Conférence
In: Annales du Midi, 1961, LXXIII, p.325-345, 1 map
SERMET, Jean and L. Alija
Journal de la Restauration de l’Abornement de la Haute Garonne
La Commission Internationale des Pyrénées centenaire
In: Revue d'Histoie Diplomatique, 1976.- no.1-2, p.15-71
La Frontière hispano-française des Pyrénées: et les conditions de sa délimitation
Published by Amis du Livre Pyrénéen, 1983
ISBN 2853020843, 9782853020848. - 285 pages
Le Centenaire des Traités des Limites et la Commission Internationale des Pyrénées
Several editions:
- Paris : Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, 1969. - 23 pages.
- Luchon : Féderation des Societés Academiques et Savannes de
Languedoc-Pyrénées-Gascogne, 1969. - Congrés d'Études Regionales
- In: Revue de Cominges, 1970. - LXXXIII, p.170-191
Le conflit des Aldudes.
Universidad de Toulouse I, 1990. - doctoral thesis
(This thesis seems to be revised in:
conflicto de los alduides(pirineo Navarro): Estudio institucional de
los problemas de límites, pastos y Facerías según la documentación
inédita de los archivos franceses, siglos XVII-XIX
By Fernando de Arvizu y Galarraga, Fernando de Arvizu, Fernando Arvizu y Aguado, Jean Sermet
Edition: illustrated. - Published by Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Presidencia, 1992
ISBN 8423511316, 9788423511310. - 427 pages)
Le franchissement de la frontière franco-espagnole en haute montagne
In: Rev. Pyrénéene, 1968. - no. 14, pag. 38-44
Le passage transpyrénéen de Lizuniaga à la frontière Nord-Ouest de Navarre
(an article online available here
which apparently is part of a larger but not yet identified
publication. It covers the history of the passage of the pass of
Lizuniaga in the Basque country and in detail of bm036 with its stone
table. It includes old picture of bm036)
Le tricentenaire de la Paix des Pyrénées, 1659-1959
Published by Instituto de Estudios Pirenaicos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1961
Les limites de 1785 du Valcarlos et le territoire d'Ondarolle cedé à l'Espagne
In: Pyrénées. - Lourdes : Musée Pyrénéen, 1977. - no. 109, p. 28-48
Les routes transpyrénéennes
Published by Société d'histoire des communications dans le Midi de la
France, Comité régional de tourisme Midi-Pyrénées, 1965.- 328 pages
THOMAS, Lucien
Bornes frontière France/Espagne - Années 2010 - 2011 - 2012
Biarritz, 2013 (a private edition of only 40 copies)
photo-account of the bordermarkers 1 to 272 with large and clear
pictures. Remarkable and admirable: Lucien Thomas was born in 1934 and
started in 2010 (age 76) with this particular quest, together with his
wife Colette, slightly younger)
VIGOR, Iñaki and Carlos Sanz
Travesía de los mugarris – La unión de los 276 hitos de la frontera vasca
Bilbo : Sua Edizioak, 2009
Spanish book - widely available on Spanish bookshop-sites - describes a
16-stages trail along each and every esfr-bordermarker from bm001 to
bm272. Including elevation-charts, practical information, coordinates,
lodging and a large scale map. The only thing I miss are topographical
maps, there are only written directions of the trail to rely on.)