The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : on old postcards
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Bordercrossings have always been a popular subject for postcards. So it's not surprising that there are many old postcards of Pyrenean bordercrossings. On this page a few examples. Not to be exhaustive, just for fun.

These peculiar posts with the arms of France and Spain aere at the bridge between Henday and IrĂ¹n

They are mentioned in the Bayonne treaty of 1856 and as such could be considered as the first bordermarkers of the esfr-delimitation.

See also this page.

This marker has disappeared and and a milestone marker has been upgraded in the past to the current bm410.
Bm576 in Le Perthus (1927)

(click photo to enlarge)

Bm575 and 576 in
Le Perthus