The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- 28 August
2002 - Llivia: potatoes & mushrooms
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We (Bert and I) started from a Gîte d'etappe in Err for a
first survey of the Llivia-bordermarkers. We had previously finished a part of the
GR10-trail further to the east. I had read about the
45 Llivia-bordermarkers and that seemed a nice manageable project.
Err to the town of Llivia we could follow dirt tracks and roads,
covering bm13 to bm21 quite easily. Back from bm01 to bm12 was more
strenuous through fields and mud.
The "area privada de caça" signs ('reserved hunting
area' in spanish) turned out to be useful in determining
the borderline later on. A lot of them were placed on the
borderline, apparently to keep French hunters out.
 | Bm-llivia-13
bit hidden behind a stone wall around a field. But the picture ruined
by being clumsy. I returned on xxxxxx for a better one. |
 | Bm-llivia-15
Idem |
 | Bm-llivia-16
companion Bert is a farmer's son. He proved his
roots by collecting left-over potatoes and mushrooms on the
fields that we crossed later on the day, cooking a well-deserved
supper in the evening.
 | Bm-llivia-16 |
 | Gp-llivia-17-both
From here to the twin bordermarkers no. 21, there were double markers, on either side of the path one. |
 | Gp-llivia-18fr |
 | Gp-llivia-18fr
With me. |
 | Bm-llivia-19ll |
 | Bm-llivia-20ll |
 | Bm-llivia-20fr |
 | Bm-llivia-21
 | BM-llivia-21.1
On a small hill, at some distance from the other no. 21.
It was a lovely sunny day, a delight after a few rainy days on the GR10-trail. |
 | Bm-llivia-01
the se-border of the enclave we continued from bm01 to bm12. But now we
had to traverse muddy fields, wet meadows, brooks, woods. Some bm's were
hard to find. |
 | Bm-llivia-02 |
 | Bm-llivia-03 |
 | Bm-llivia-04 |
 | Bm-llivia-05 |
 | Bm-llivia-06 |
 | p-llivia-07
 | Bm-llivia-08 |
 | Bm-llivia-09 |
 | Bm-llivia-10 |
 | Bm-llivia-11 |
 | Bm-llivia-12
Hard to find in the edge of wet meadows along a river. |
 | Gîte d'Étappe in Err |
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