The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
27 august
2006 - A cold night
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Part of 7-days trip from Alós de Isil to Canejan, exploring the bordermarker-range bm422 - bm411.
Day 5: from Pla de Tor to Port de la Hourquette (bm418 & 419) to Rio Torán
- walking time: ± 7 h
- cum. elevation gain : ± 1000m
- cum. elevation loss : ± 1350 m
- total elevation: ± 2350 m
It's been a cold night with frost on my tent.

From Pla de Tor I climb along a well waymarked trail to Port de la Horqueta.
This picture: while climbing, looking to the west to the lake of Estany de Liat.
At the pass, bm418 is well visible higher up at the northern side.
N42 48 24.4 E0 53 46.5
I meet a dutch HRP-walker and we lunch together.
Bm419 is more difficult to find. First I search in vain at the rockridge and the next col to the east.
But then I notice that the watershed is not to the east but to the SE. And then it's easy: on a rock with a cairn I find bm419
This picture: bm419 in front and looking NW to the Port de la Horqueta at the far end.
N42 48 21.3 E0 53 54.3
I descend back the to 'mining' road which I follow to the west, winding along ruined mining buildings
Close to Tuc de Guerri, I descend into a ravine to the N (steep descent of ± 700m) along a white/red waymarked trail.
Down below, I pitch my tent where the path crosses a stream.
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