bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- 28 may
2009 -
Bm196 unfindable
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Part of a 16-days trip, using day 1-10 to cover bm154 to 264 in the
eastern Pyrenees and day 11-16 for bm416 to 365 near Bagnères-de-Luchon.
Day 4: continuing on the borderridge from bm191 onwards and descending
to the river La Nive (bm196). Then a long climb into the mountains
until bm198-199.
Weather: all day splendid weather and it will remain like this for the next few days.
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
En route: ± 8 - 18.45, 10.47h, break 1½h
According to my watch:
Up 1494m Down 762m = 2256m in total. Hmax 1330m Lmin 226m

to visugpx
- distance : 22.31 km
- cum. elevation gain : 1356 m
- cum. elevation loss : 631 m
- total elevation: 1987
- altitude maxi : 1315 m
- altitude mini : 229 m
- altitude average : 655 m
around 08.00. From my bivouac-spot, a trail goes to the borderfence.
Direction for the GRPdesBF: from bm190 keep following the
path/dirtroad, at a crossing with a dirtroad coming from left (my
bivouac-spot) turn right on a trail and walk until the borderfence).
I follow the fence to the left, there's a distinct path along it until a crossing
with this peculiar metal construction at the borderline. I've seen that
before besides bm174
I can't find bm191 at first because it's standing at the other side of the path/dirtroad.
Continuing on the trail/dirtroad until a meadow. The trail descends to
the right (but blocked by a fence) but I think that the borderline enters
the meadow.
make a - more or less - 3/4 circle through the meadows, end up at
a dirtroad, go to the right on it and find - to my surprise -
I find out that that blocked trail (see above) descends to bm192.
From bm192 onwards on the trail/dirtroad there's a farm. I fear the
dogs (though I don't see or hear any) and return to bm191 for a
GRPdesBF - reconnaissance on the tarmac road which is a detour.
When I leave the tarmac to proceed on
a trail, I end up on a Spanish tarmac road. I go back, climb a bit and
then find - surprisingly -
It's along an old forestroad and I climb it to the W to see where it's coming from. And that's bm192!
So: at bm192 the border-forest-trail descends to the right and leads you to bm193.
After bm193 I continue on the old forestroad and find
Bm194. It stands a bit off the edge of the forest in the open.
Then continuing on the old forest road, descending in the direction of
a house. You need to go a bit to the left to cross fences to get at the
tarmac road.
On the tarmac road - a bit to the N - I easily find
Conclusion: from bm191 there's an old
trail/forestroad along the border until approximately bm195 which is no
longer used as such. Sometimes it's blocked with a fence making it
inappropiate for the main GRPdesBF-trail.
Descending straight away to bm196
seems too tough. Instead I walk into France on the road. After a stream
there's a forest-road descending to the right which leads to meadows.
Via the meadows I reach the tarmac road which I walked a few days ago
(the Valcarlos-route from St-Jean-Pied-de-la-Port to Roncevaux). It
brings me - again - to the venta-complex at the border.
At the venta-complex I search long for
bm196. With close map-reading, consulting the Procès-verbal and
identifying an electricity pole as being French, I can reduce the
possible spot to about 20m of the riverbank.
I do an extensive search - in vain - along the bank which is not easy in the undergrowth and bush.
This picture: from the other side of the river.
This picture: also from the other bank and looking at the bush/undergrowth I wrestled through.
When I give up and want to take a lunchbreak at the venta's, I spot on the parking something.
In the green plastic network on the ground, there's a striking rocky square which is unique on this parking.
The location might match and I think that the bm stood here but has been hit by a car or likewise.
But this is all speculation as I will learn later: bm196 has
disappeared in the seventies under the ground along the small road
alongside the venta's
A GRPdesBF-idea: from bm191 following the winding tarmac road in France to bm195, then descending to Arneguy.
Lunch break in a venta cafe. I'm tired of all this searching in the
bush. I can't resist the temptation and buy a pipe and tobacco ....
Second half.
First to Arneguy on the pilgrim's route. In Arneguy I pick up a yellow
waymarked route (shown on the map) which leads me to almost bm198,
joining there the classic pilgrim's way over the mountains.
It's a beautiful stage but the waymarkings seem to be meant for the
other way around. But with the map, navigating is not difficult though
I went wrong in the last part. I ended up on the tarmac road a few
bends too low.
From bm196 (the venta's) to bm198, it took ± 4½h.
I have arrived on the plateau and proceed
to bm198.
Then past bm199

to the "source of Roland" to collect water.
I walk back to bm198, I've seen there a nice bivouac-spot with a view down the bordervalley.
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