bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- saturday 12 april
2014 - La grande réunion
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(click to open this trip
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Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version)
Summary: part of a 6-days trip to the Eastern Pyrenees, exploring
routes between bm521 and bm545.
Basecamp: the camping municipal in
Day 4: meeting of Pyrenean 'bordermen' in Laroque-des-Albères, redoing bm599 before.
Weather: sunny
explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds: see the

to visugpx
- distance : 1,6 km
- cum. elevation gain : 76m
- cum. elevation loss : 77m
- total elevation: 153m
- altitude maxi : 233m
- altitude mini : 156m
- altitude average : 196m
I was honoured to be invited by Serge
Poncet for a meeting of 'bordermen' or - mockingly in French -
'bornés' (freely translated as: stubborn on bordermarkers) who share a
passion for the Pyrenean bordermarkers.
But driving to Laroque-des-Albères gave me the chance to first revisit
bm599 which has been vandalised repeatedly and now has been repaired
with a plaque.
From Col de Balistres it was a short walk to bm599.
Interesting: a Christian cross was
engraved but only painted as a Greek cross.
The similar plaque of bm510
- also recently installed - (see this page) is engraved with a Greek
Bm599 still visible at the right of this picture.
We see the dirtroad at the left where I came from. But now there is also a trail climbing over the hilltop.
I return to Col de Balistres and
spot to my surprise firemen near bm600.
It's a joint training of French and Spanish firemen
At Col de Balistres there's a new monument about the refugees fleeing Spain at the end of the Civil War.

At Laroque-des-Albères, I
meet Serge Poncet and his wife Martine and their daughter Orianne.
were the initiators and hosts of this meeting, serving a
delicious catalan-style meal and fine drinks. I felt happy to meet
(again) Charles & Josette Darrieu, Alain Laridon, Cayetano and Jean
& Carmen Iglesias.
Even a news-reporter was invited who wrote this article for the L'Indépendant-newspaper, also available as a .pdf-file

Standing from left to
right: Carmen Iglesias, Alain Laridon, Martine Poncet, myself, Charles
Darrieu, Josette Darrieu, Jean Iglesias.
Kneeling from left to right: Serge Poncet and Cayetano.
About the little borderstone 538bis in Serge's garden: bm583 is the
closest bordermarker near the house of Serge. So 538bis seemed an
appropiate number for his own bordermarker.
In the après-diner, I was lucky to sit in between the laptops of
Serge and Charles, watching their pictures and listen to their stories, testimonies of our shared passion.
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