bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- wednesday 10 september
2014 -
Visiting the new bm510
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(click to open this trip
in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version)
Summary: part of a 2-weeks trip along the entire Pyrenees, focussing on
high altitude reconnaissance of parts of my GRPdesBF-trail.
Today: a trip from Núria to bm510 and then going W over the borderridge to bm507 and descending back to Núria
Weather: sunny
explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds: see the cartography-page
Start: 10.15, finish: 16.30, net walking time: 6.15h
Gps-tripteller: no stats due to partial gps-failure

to visugpx
- distance : 16,3 km
- cum. elevation gain : 1207m
- cum. elevation loss : 1201m
- total elevation: 2408m
- altitude maxi : 2841m
- altitude mini : 1967m
- altitude average : 2566m
The camping in Err where I slept the last two nights.
I pack my tent and drive to Ribes de Freser where I take the train to
the pilgrimage site of Núria where I arrive at 10.15h.
Then taking the trail to Coll de Noucreus
which comes in view on this picture.
The last part with the pass visible.

At 12h at Col de Noucrous.
Bm510 has been replaced in 2013, the original marker was destroyed since many years.
See my blog
Bm510, looking W
Bm510, looking E
The trail (GR11) continuing E
A last view - looking W - of this spot with its peculiar crosses.
Then following the trail to the W over the borderridge until Coll de Finestrelles
The denivellation in between is considerable, the trail is well and in general leads you over the borderridge itself.
Further on, looking back to the E.
Then the descent to Col de Noufonts with bm509 starts

This panorama (looking E) shows two things: Col de Noufonts with bm509
AND at both sides green valleys where a bivouac with water-supply seems
possible without having to descend too much. That's important to know
when doing my GRPdesBF-trail. That trail follows this high-altitude
borderridge for a long, long stretch without direct access to water and
hardly suitable bivouac-places.
To the S (descending into Spain) will bring you after 150m elevation
descent to a stream. To the N the descent is less but if there's running
water there, is doubtful when studying the pictures and Google Earth.
Getting close to Col de Noufonts with the stone cabin already visible
It's small
and has a low ceiling but it could be a very helpful shelter in bad weather.
At the col this rocky outcrop
with this peculiar engraving "509". I spotted this already on my first visit here on 20050713
The real bm509 is however ± 35m further NW
at this spot
Bm508, looking E
Further on, looking back to Col de Noufonts with bm509.
From Col de Noufonts it's a considerable climb
to Pic de Noufonts with this view to Núria far away in the valley.
And a view ahead with the borderline.

Close to Coll d'Eina (or Col de
Núria)- 75m uphill to the E - there's bm508. That is to say: the cross
that's left of the cross and number 509.
Why am I sure? Well: the location fits perfectly in the description of
the treaty and the cross has a large resemblance with the other crosses
around (bm409 and bm407)
Bm408, looking uphill to the E
It's hidden behind a halfcircle or wall of rocks.
Bm408, looking W to Coll d'Eina (or Col de Núria)
Coll d'Eina (or Col de Núria) with its waymark and looking E.
I have continued and now look back at Coll d'Eina.
And approximately from Pic de Núria, looking W. with the borderline.
Looking back to the E, just before arriving at Cim (or Pic) de Finestrelles.
Further on, you will pass beneath the Puig del Coll de Finestrelles with this view back to the E to Cim (or Pic) de Finestrelles
and approximately from the same spot, looking forward to Coll de Finestrelles.
Getting closer to Coll de Finestrelles
with a fine view of the continuation of the trail over the borderridge
to the Puigmal de Segre
Bm507 is not at the Coll itself but ± 100m uphill to the N of it.
Bm507, a bit lower
At 15h at Col de Finistrelles.
Bm507 is visible as a white spot.
Then descending back to Nùria
which takes quite a while.
The camping terrain at Nuria still exists.
Then taking the train back to Ribes de Freser and driving to St-Laurent-de-Cerdans.
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