bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
friday 11 june
2021 -
Search for borne de pacage X; with Carlos & Conchita bm359 & 409-1fr & 3fr
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part of a series of 8 daytrips in june 2021 near Bagnères-de-Luchon and
Col de Somport. This is day 2.
Today: four trips in one day:
1. a search for the borne de pacage X
2. with Carlos & Conchita Roca to bm359
3. with Carlos & Conchitat doing bm4091-fr and 3-fr
4. by car and foot: reconnaissance of the new cycle trail from bm409 up to the connection with the GR10.
Weather: cloudy, dry, nice
Basecamp: camping Les Myrtilles in the village of Moustajon
From close to Col de Barèges, I do a search for the missing 'borne de pacage' X.
See this page for all the information about these markers.
They are not international bordermarkers but markers meant to
delimitate Spanish grazing grounds ('pacages') on French territory.
From the 28 markers replaced around 1960, there are 9 markers missing.

According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected original track):
Distance: 3,7 km
Max-height: 1789m
Min-height: 1692m
Elevation: +162m -165m
Total elevation: 327m
Start 10:39 Finish 12:35
Total time: 1:56

From each missing marker I have prepared 3 supposed locations. Indicated as (U as example):
U? -> figured out by me in 2019
U-S -> as estimated by Charles Darrieu
U-carte-calibré -> based on a recently acquired map from Jean Sermet, calibrated within Google Earth
In general, I think that the calibrated positions are the most reliable.
road from Bagnères de Luchon to Col de Portillon was blocked, so I had
to drive via Spain. Parking my car near Col de Portillon, the last part
a bit too rocky for my car.
I have brought my geodetical pole.
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This is the first location I explore: borne de pacage X - supposed location according to the calibrated map.
I use little Dutch flags to indicate an area of approximately 50x50m around the gps-position.
Then I traverse systematically the area, using the geodetic pole as a pricker.
I find nothing.
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The spot of borne de pacage X - supposed location as figured out by me in 2019.
Same method, no result.
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Finally the spot of borne de pacage X - supposed location as figured out by Charles Darrieu.
Now I leave the flags very visible in my backpack at the designated spot and walk in circles around it while pricking.
Again: no result.
I am running out of time and head via bm356 back to my car.
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Bm356. a cross and weapons on the rock besides it.
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Together with Carlos & Conchita to bm359.
This trip on the website of Carlos & Conchita Roca: see this page

(click to open this trip
in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version). The gps-track has not been
manually corrected which explains the
inaccuracy and misalignment at some points. For cartographic
backgrounds: see the cartography-page
Gps-waypoints of all bordermarkers (most recent version):
kml: esfr-bordermarkers-all-waypoints.kml
gpx: esfr-bordermarkers-all-waypoints.gpx
(with elevation added by
According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected original track):
Distance: 2,3 km
Max-height: 1616m
Min-height: 1553m
Elevation: +108m -114m
Total elevation: 224m
Start 13:35 Finish 15:21
Total time: 1:46 |
drive back to the parking downhill. The part between this parking and
Col de Barèges is in fact too rocky for a normal car like mine.
Carlos & Conchita Roca arrive around 13:00 directly from Barcelona.
Together we will visit bm359.
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We dive directly in dense nature
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and descend steeply through fallen trees
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to a more open and less steep part of the hillside.
We have reached now the 'divisoria': the delimitation of forestry
parcels indicated by stripes on the trees. In this case between Spain
(this side) and France (beyond the tree).
But how precise is this delimitation as a binational demarcation? We don't know.
But I know from previous visits that bm359 is not far away beyond this 'divisoria'.
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The last part is a short but steep descent to a large rockface.
Conchita tackling the steep and slippery descent.
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Then along the rockwall towards bm359.
Bm359, to my surprise the number
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359 has been painted in recent years below the cross.
It gives an official aspect to this cross but I still doubt if this is the marker meant in the treaty of the 19th century. See this blog-post.
Later I asked Jean-Paul Laborie - commissioner of the Pyrenees
bordercommitte - if he did the painting. But he knew nothing of it.
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We are returning,
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again finding our way
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through the fallen trees and the bushes which have emerged in the open spots.
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Later I wondered if there's not a more elegant way to reach bm359, avoiding the steep parts with the fallen trees.
Descending directly from bm358 is steep and not a better alternative.

I think there is one. From the parking, you can descend on a trail and
then traverse at approximately the same altitude to bm359. But the
proof of the pudding is in the eating, perhaps I will try it in the
We drive downhill and do together a short trip to bm409-1fr and 3fr.
Carlos and Conchita couldn't find them on a earlier trip and yesterday I did a reconnaissance to find them.
This trip on the website of Carlos & Conchita Roca: see this page

(click to open this trip
in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version). The gps-track has not been
manually corrected which explains the
inaccuracy and misalignment at some points. For cartographic
backgrounds: see the cartography-page
Gps-waypoints of all bordermarkers (most recent version):
kml: esfr-bordermarkers-all-waypoints.kml
gpx: esfr-bordermarkers-all-waypoints.gpx
(with elevation added by
According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected original track):
Distance: 0,7 km
Max-height: 573m
Min-height: 530m
Elevation: +33m -5m
Total elevation: 38m
Start 16:05: Finish 16:33
Total time: 0:28 |
We easily find back bm409-1fr but I have to cut and brush to make it more visible.
Then it's time for the photo session,
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including the selfie.
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From the road, Conchita points at bm409-1fr
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which is still difficult to spot between the brushes.
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Zoom-in to bm409-1fr
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Another view from the road to bm409-1fr and
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another zoom-in.
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Then we walk along the road and descend to bm409-3fr which also needs cleaning.
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Bm409-3fr with his 'betrayer' to the right.
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That's a signpost with unknown meaning but very useful in finding bm409-3fr.
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The last picture of our joint adventures for today.
Carlos and Conchita drive to the same camping to install themselves. I stay another hour for trip 4.
By car and foot I want to explore the new cycle trail along the Garonne on the French side.

(click to open this trip
in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version). The gps-track has not been
manually corrected which explains the
inaccuracy and misalignment at some points. For cartographic
backgrounds: see the cartography-page
Gps-waypoints of all bordermarkers (most recent version):
kml: esfr-bordermarkers-all-waypoints.kml
gpx: esfr-bordermarkers-all-waypoints.gpx
(with elevation added by
According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected original track):
Distance: 7,9 km
Max-height: 602m
Min-height: 538m
Elevation: +75m -128m
Total elevation: 203m
Start 16:54: Finish 17:53
Total time: 0:59 |
I can drive on that cycle trail (wide enough for cars but only allowed for farmers or inhabitants) up to the barrage.
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Then walking on the new trail
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along the lake
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and hillside
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until I reach the bridge at bm409.
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The bridge with bm409 at the other side.
I was here yesterdag but then from the Spanish side.
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and driving back.
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I continue
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until this canal.
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Then a little detour to see what has become of the camping of Fos. It has been closed years ago after floodings.
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Could still be used - secretly - in case of need. But where to collect water?
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next stop is further along the canal. I park my car and cross a bridge
and walk along the cycle trail up to where the GR10-trail emerges from
the forest.
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Same spot but now seen from the forest.
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Walking back
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The cycle trail continues along the canal.
I cross the bridge to my car and drive to the camping.
At night: pleasant dinner at Carlos & Conchita's and discussing our trip of tomorrow.
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