The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
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- 28 august 2010 -
Clouds cover the valleys

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Summary: part of a 11-days backpacking trip from Cauterets to Loudenvielle ‘doing” bm315 to bm330. Day 4: a tough day, passing the Port Neuf de Pinède with bm320 and a risky climb at the end.

Weather: warm and sunny
For explanation of the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page

Start: 7.45, break: no break, finish: 17.30, net walking time: 9.45
According to the gp-tripteller:
Distance: 16,6 km
Time moved: 6.13h
Time standing still: 3.38h
In total: 9.51h
Total ascent: 1390m
Maximum height: 2477m

According to visugpx
- distance : 14.6 km
- cum. elevation gain : 1367 m
- cum. elevation loss : 1355 m
- total elevation:  2722m

- altitude maxi : 2441 m
- altitude mini : 1418 m
- altitude average : 2060 m
I start in the mist but as I approach the Hourguette d’Alans, I get above the clouds in the sun. 

The pass of Hourquette d'Alans
From the pass a spectacular view: the valley covered with clouds but the mountain peaks above them like islands.

I can see the Vignemale drifting on a cloud
And the Brèche de Roland.
On the pass itself, the Port Neuf de Pinède is already visible, above the mist.

From Port Neuf de Pinède (bm320) I will take a route via Spain to the next bordermarker at Port de la Canau.

But Jacques Koleck suggested in 2013 another route: "I know this region very well. As the storms of late afternoon are frequent and violent, I would consider an alternative. From Port Neuf de Pinède return down the beautiful valley to reach the Estaubé Gloriettes dam and the road leading to the hamlet of Heas and the Cirque du Troumouse. All along the route there are great places to camp. This is much longer but it is much less dangerous in case of bad weather."
After descending a bit, there’s path going to the right, that’s a short-cut. The path is ok (waymarked by cairns) and melts into another path (the main path coming from the valley)
Looking back: the  Vallée d'Estaubé
After finally passing a rockslide, the trail leads me to the Port. It took me 3 hours to get there.
Overview of the Port Neuf de Pinède. 
Then a long, long descent into Spain. First there’s a steep gravel-slide to tackle 
Looking back at the Port
and later on there are many slippery parts, taking 3 hours to reach the road.
This is a popular hiking area, making trails to be worn out and slippery.

When reaching the road, to the left (passing a fountain) and getting in 30-45 minutes to
the plains of LLanos de la Larri.

At the end of it to the right, just a stream (now dry), a track starts, well waymarked with cairns.

Move the mouse over the picture to see my approximate route
It climbs steeply along the rocky mountain-side with various vertigo parts, be careful. Too risky for the Grpdesbf-main-route, I think.

A view of the borderridge with somewhere Port de la Canau with bm321.

I carefully study the maps in the evening but will choose the wrong pass the next morning.

Move the mouse over the picture to see where the Port de la Canau really is.

Finally all the rocky climbing is finished and the path (which leads to Lagos de la Munia) flattens.

Looking back at the plains.

Further on you’ll see a grassy slope descending NNW to a stream.

 I descend and camp a little beyond the stream with a view on the borderridge.

Camp N42 42 24.3 E000 05 40.2 H2015
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