The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
12 july
2005 -
Part of a 6-days solo-hike from Puigcerda
to Prats-de-Mollo along the borderline.
Only one bordermarker today but I knew that at forehand.
± 7 hours.
On the French side it's a long detour
and climb to Coll de Finistrelles. On this picture I'm
looking back into France.
I didn't really consider climbing
the Puigmal as a direct route to Coll de Finistrelles. I
think because my maps didn't indicate trails to and from it. |

Bm507 is well visible, about 50 meters east of the col (the white spot).


for a moment the possibility of continuing on the borderridge.
But I doubt if it's safe enough and it's already late. I descend to Nuria, visible deep in the valley.
to camp.
In the background the buildings of this century-old pilgrimage-site devoted to Our lady of Nuria, Queen of the Pyrenees
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