The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- 27 september
2005 -
Part of a three day-trips from Puigcerda, a hotel serving as base-camp.
Day 2: a Llivia-roundtrip from Puigcerda from 8am to 7pm doing ± 30 km.
a nice sunny day in a quiet rural landscape with all those
a-symmetrical arranged fields, I liked it. Also quite empty of
farmers & cattle and it's silent.
Some markers were easily found, others with difficulty, especially the double 34-markers. Disappointing was that I couldn't find bm30 and complete the range 45-22.
Walking: 11 hours.

 | Bm477 south |
 | Bm477 north |
 | The old bridge over the Rahur with both markers 477 |
Unnumbered bordermarkers on the new bridge |
 | The 0ne at the south-side |
 | now from some distance with the old bridge in the background. |
 | This is the second crossing of the neutral connection-road (N154) between Puigcerda and Llivia with a French road.
The bilateral conflict on who has the rigth of way was here solved by a round-a-bout. |
Bm45, in the bush
Bm42 |
 | Bm40, is a cross. The IGN-map refers to a stone (BNE = borne). |
 | Bm39, harder to find. Using the compass from bm40, I succeeded.
Via Cereja I walk to bm36 but first I look for |
 | bm38, finding it with help of my compass.
Then to:
 | Bm37, easy to find.
Back and via
 | Bm36, straight to |
 | Bm35.
Then via a small stretch along the road to the place of bordermarkers 34. No trace but the spot itself seems obvious.
I go on and find
 | The markers 33.
This is the one on the Llivia-side
 | And this the bm35 on the French side.
From here I walk back through the dry bed of the stream and start searching again for the 34-bordermarkers.
 | Finally I find under bush and a woodpile bm34-french.
And so I can localize on the other side of the bed |
 | Bm34-Llivia
 | Then I return and find the markers 32. You can see both on this picture. The one in the foreground is bm34-llivia. |
 | And this is bm34-french |
 | The 31-markers are easily found.
This is bm31-llivia, a brand new one as you can see. |
 | Bm31-french in the foreground.
I keep following the dry bed to the north and some streaming water appears.
it's a long, long but fruitless search for bm30. The map says
that it's a cross but I have an old picture of a borderstone.
I go on to |
 | bm28 and find then |
 | Bm29 which looks improvised, not very official.
my compass I try once again to find bm30 but in vain. But it has to be
on the spot where the borderline leaves the stream. And I can't match
the surrounding of that old picture with this spot.
 | Back to Puigcerda via Llivia-town and Onzès. It's a long walk back from the north of llivia to Puigcerda: ± 2¾ uur, passing
Bm05 and |
 | Bm04 |
trip next
trip  | |