The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
28 september
2005 -
Part of a three day-trips from Puigcerda, a hotel
serving as base-camp.
Llivia-trip from the Via/Odeilla -trainstation to
the northern bordermarkers , walking back via Llivia-town and
En route: 9.30-18.00, ± 8 hours walking, ± 20 km. In the afternoon: nice summer weather.
After a few kilometers and approaching
Targasonnee, I leave the road. Through the fields and
then cautiously descending into a cleft.
It's the cleft of
a stream running s/sw untill it merges with the borderstream
l'Estahuja, exactly at the point where the borderline leaves the stream
and goes uphill.
With some luck, I find bm22, exactly at the
corner of borderstream and cleft which makes sense for a
recognizable breakpoint in the border.
I climb back the ± 200 altitude meters and arrive at

the borderline into the next canyon gets too steep for me. After a
detour I descend - via a French sewage installation - into the
canyon where
bm24 should be . But I can't find it.
not indicated on the IGN-map. I presume the location to be where a
stream from the north merges in the valley-river, just beyond the
sewage-installation. Like the geophysical position of bm22.
I climb uphill and find
I try to follow more or less the borderline in the direction of
bm28, searching for bm26 and bm27 which are not indicated at the
IGN-maps. I can't find them.
Then a last trial to find bm30.
Inspirated by the geophysical location of bm22, I concentrate on the
spot where a (dry) stream coming from the east merges into the
And that's where I find bm30!
It's a cross and not a stone marker.
The old picture of the marker which I supposed to be bm30, turns out to be a picture of bm36
Contented I walk to Llivia-town, finding its little museum not interesting regarding the (border)history of Llivia.
Continuing to Puigcerda, I pass bm03.
I consider the Llivia-project as accomplished accepting that I couln't find bm24, 26 and 27.
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