The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- 4 april
2008 - Two trips on one day
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esfr-trip-track-20080404.kml (click to open in Google Earth or copy link to Google Maps)
Part of a 8-days backpacking-trip in the eastern Pyrenees with
Jan-Willem, roughly covering the area bm528 - bm575 and bm600 - 601bis.
Day 2: exploring the bordermarkers around Hostal de la Muga in two trips, in fact 3 trips.
For explanation of the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds: see my cartography page

According to gpx-view Distance : 4.902 km Altitudes : Maxi 866m Mini 690m Dénivelées : +312 m -303 m
(camping spot H. de Muga: 720 meter)
Trip 1 (7.30-10.30) solo (402m↑, 403m↓, Hmax 891m, Hmin 718m)
I climb uphill via a small meadow along the dirtroad to the W (± 200m from Hostal de la Muga).
That's a climb in the direction of bm531 but I missed that one, ending
up too high. I descend to the stream (guided by gps) and to
bm530, a bit higher.
in search of bm529. I can't find it and I continue to the location of
bm528 which is clear (reading the Proces-Verbal and using the gps) but
the bm itself is unfindable.
I go back and now I do find
 | This is a plan of the location of bm529: where two rockridges come together, it's on the southern one, indicated with a cross.
I continue and by chance arrive at
bm331, high above that boulder which only - so it seems - can be reached with a ladder.
Bm331, backside with ladder.
I return to our campingspot, to Jan-Willem.
 | Trip 2: 12.30-16.15 (en route ± 3.45, Hmax 902m Lmax 721m ±400↑ 400↓ 800↑↓)
Now together, Jan-Willem and me, uphill. We arrive near bm529 at the
borderline. On compass-reading descending to the location of bm528 near
the stream. We search together and now I find bm528!
This picture, me standing on that long flat rockstone, at the foot of the cross itself, ready to chalk the engravings.
Bm528, not painted like the other crosses around.
But chalking helps.
Bm528, now from some distance
 | And this plan
 | We climb back - steeply - to the rockridge with
bm529, with Jan-Willem
We descend back along the ridge and 'do' again
bm530, now with me.
And continue (on compass-reading) to
again: bm531.
 | What if you don't have a ladder? Perhaps you could scramble your way up like this.
 | From the ruin behind bm531, there's a - white waymarked - trail leading swiftly to
 | If you continue on that trail, you will cross a stream and
1. come across bm533 (like we did) or
2. don't spot bm533 and thus have crossed the stream below bm533.
In case 2, you have to climb ± 20 meter along the stream to bm533.
From bm533 a descent back to Hostal de la Muga along a vague and not waymarked path.
 | Back at our tents, we improvised a backchair.
 | In
the evening - after dinner - we make a stroll on the French side, descending to
the fenced terrain with a few houses. We arrive at the two houses
besides the Muga and spot in de distance on the other bank:
 | Bm535, zoom-in
 | Between the 2 houses there's a little stream and a possible access to the Muga without trespassing private property.
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