The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all
my trips
3 april
2008 -
Hostal de la Muga revisited
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(click to open in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps)
Part of a 8-days backpacking-trip in the eastern Pyrenees with
Jan-Willem, roughly covering the area bm528 - bm575 and bm600
- 601bis.
Day 1: walking from the camping in Albanya to Hostal de la
Muga and doing a short climb to bm533.
explanation of the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page

Cum. elevation gain:
elevation loss 506m
Total elevation: 1519m
Totaal 1519
According to gpx-view
Distance : 20.03 km
Altitudes : Maxi 816 m Mini 243 m
Dénivelées : ~ +814 m -509 m
We have reached the Muga-valley and are close to the border.
This picture gives a nice view of the rocky ridge which
constitutes the borderline between bm538 to bm541.
Move the mouse over the picture to see the approximate places of the bordermarkers. |
We're on our wasy to
Hostal de la Muga. The winding road along and above the Muga will further on
descend to the Muga and the Hostal.
This is a view ahead along the valley of the Muga. In the far distance
the steep beginning of this river. |
Near Hostal de la Muga 17.15-18.30 I try to find
bm528 and bm529.
However, above bm533 I'm soon trapped in the bush. Last year I could
find bm532 much more easily.
JW stayed at our tents, in the background the abandoned Hostal de la
It's a mysterious place: beautiful, deserted & intensely quiet. |
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