The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- 9 april
2008 - My precious notebook
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esfr-trip-track-20080409.kml (click to open in Google Earth or copy link to Google Maps)
Part of a 8-days backpacking-trip in the eastern Pyrenees with
Jan-Willem, roughly covering the area bm528 - bm575 and bm600 - 601bis.
Day 7: from Las Illas to Le Perthus with as special targets bm566 and bm574bis.
For explanation of the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds: see my cartography page

According to gpx-view: Distance : 18.128 km Altitudes : Maxi 774 m Mini 251 m Dénivelées : +302 m -509 m
En route: 09 - 16 (Las Illas - Le Perthus):
According to my watch: Up 517m Downd 780m In total: 1297m Hmax 778m Lmin 251m
The gîte d'étappe in Las Illas.
And in Las Illas this monument remembering the Spanish refugees after the Spanish civil war.
We walk to the Coll de Manrella with its monument for the Spanish refugees of the Spanish civil war.
This monument is the subject of a territorial dispute between France and Spain, that is to say: at least in 2002. In the proceedings of a meeting of Commission Mixte d'Abornement, Spain insists that is on Spanish territory. |
First target: finding back my precious notebook, lost yesterday.
A first search in the blackberry near bm559 is fruitless, neither is going hence and forth to bm558.
In Peru I have learned how the mountain spirits can be invoked to help
you. And I try it here. I guess that the Pyrenean mountain
spirits were pleased (and surely surprised). My last seach in the
blackberry near bm559 is successful!!
At 11.30 we continue in the direction of Le Perthus on the GR10.
It's quite boring on that long sandy dirtroad. Ttraversing the beech forest near Mas Nou was a relief in this respect.
We pass bm564.
and bm565
And go searching for bm566, previously
unfindable. From bm565 we climb along a trail to the summit of the
hill. At the summit where the trail bends to the right, I see on the
map on my pda-gps that this is NOT the summit.
The top of the hill is oblong and the real summit (and/or where bm566
is) is ± 50m NW from the bend in the path. There's a vaguer trail
leading to it, the bm standing a few meters to the left of the trail:
We descend along the main trail to the E and 'do'
and gp569
and - in Le Perthus - bm576.
 | In Le Perthus our target is
bm574 'bis', a submarker of bm574 not yet photographed. This in fact
the old spot of bm574, once relocated to give more space for the road.
 | Bm574 bis with bm574 in the distance.
 | Bm575
 | Bm575
 | Bm574, looking to bm574 bis.
 | Bm575
We have to wait 3 hours for the bus to Figueres.
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