The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- 10 april
2008 - Along precipices
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esfr-trip-track-20080410.kml (click to open in Google Earth or copy link to Google Maps)
Part of a 8-days backpacking-trip in the eastern Pyrenees with
Jan-Willem, roughly covering the area bm528 - bm575 and bm600 - 601bis.
Day 8: a roundtrip from Port-Bou doing bm600 - bm601bis, the last one being the target of the day.
For explanation of the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds: see my cartography page

According to gpx-view Distance : 6.363 km Altitudes : Maxi 190 m Mini 5 m Dénivelées : +235 m -175 m
With the train from Figueres to Port Bou.
From Port Bou, we climb on the road to the bordercrossing and 'do' nearby:
 | Bm600 with me
 | From approximately bm600, looking to the borderpass.
A monument on the Spanish refugees after the Spanish civil war. The information panel on it has been removed.
Along the borderridge to
 | Bm601 with me
 | Bm601, note the little stone marker in the foreground,
 | Now in close-up. Indicating what?
Then a short descent to
bm601bis, the number is painted and doesn't look very official.
Bm601bis with me
We follow a yellow waymarked path from bm601 towards Port Bou.
It's steep and rocky, sometimes along precipices.
This picture: Jan-Willem enjoying the views.
And a bit further, this view.
More at sealevel, there are stairs and beaches. Parts of the trail have washed away, making it sometimes dangerous.
This picture: looking forward to Port Bou.
Back to Figueres, to our hotel.
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