bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
10 april
2009 -
Soaked to the bone
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Summary: in search of bm085, how to access it from the GR10-trail,
finding bm086, looking in vain for bm087 and finishing in heavy rain.
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
According to my watch:
duration: ± 6.30uur, up 729m, down 1585, total
elevation: 2314.
From starting altitude: highest point 343m, lowest point -50m.

to visugpx
- distance : 17.13 km
- cum. elevation gain : 713 m
- cum. elevation loss : 722 m
- total elevation: 1435
- altitude maxi : 481 m
- altitude mini : 114 m
- altitude average : 225 m
started ± 10.00, after a night with
remarkably soft
temperatures, following the road to Bidarray for a while and then
taking a road higher up (south of the river Bastan) which leads back to
the border.
To the end of it, it descends and it passes a littered farm with
pigs hanging around and crosses a bridge. Shortly after
bridge, there's a house and a bit further there's a path to the right
going down to a barn and then over a little bridge (see picture),
crossing a second river.
Then, following the path and taking
a branch to the right along the river, you will reach the little stream coming
from above and flowing into the Bastan-river. This stream is the border
coming from high above at bm084.
In the
northt-east-corner of this confluence, we find
Bm085 |
We continue with a
reconnaissance of a short-cut from approx. bm085 to the
from bm085, back to the main path and following it to the east.
The path ends at a country road which leads to the
east to a farm
further on and via its gate and farmyard directly to the tarmac road
with the GR10-trail.
However, you'll need to cross the farmyard. Perhaps
there's a right of way. There were other tourists, passing it while
asking directions to the farmer.
NB: on 20120825 there's a sign at the (former) farm allowing pedestrians to cross the farmyard.
The friendly
farmer didn't give a clear answer to our question if it was allowed in general to
cross his farmyard. But he did make clear that he was afraid
passers-by would leave the gates open.
However there's a poorly maintained footpath leading underneath the farm
to the tarmac road. There's a well visible start of it from the country
road before (west of) the farm. Well after (east of) the farm it ends
at the tarmac road but you'll have to tackle a fence there.
You might as well climb - shortly after (east of) the farm -
directly from the track to the tarmac road or vice-versa.
NB: on 20120825
there's a sign at the (former) farm allowing pedestrians to cross the
farmyard. But you don't need to do this, higher-up there's a shortcut
from bm084 to bm085 which I tried on that day.
We walk back on
the same roads/paths. On this picture you see the spot where a path descends to a barn as mentioned earlier.
You can see the river Bastan below, somewhere there at its bank we
found bm085.
We passed once
again that littered farm with on the other side of the road this
peculiar shed for the pigs.
back .
Move the cursor over the
picture to see the border.
We walk back a short while in
the direction of Bidarray and then take a country road to the
right leading uphill, back to the border.
In a meadow left of the country road, I find
There should be a unnumbered cross nearby but there's no trace of it.
The search for bm087 is fruitless. Meanwhile it has started to rain heavily and that's why we stop. We walk to Bidarray. The gîte d'étappe is full and we end up in a hotel, soaked to our bones.
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