bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
12 april
2009 -
Back to Bidarray
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Earth or copy link to Google Maps;
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Solotrip starting & ending at Bidarray trainstation.
Jan-Willem stayed in Bayonne.
short: searching again for bm087 (in vain), finding bm088 ,
reconnaissance of the route from bm087 to
the GR10-trail.
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
Duration: ± 9.15-1645, ± 7.30 hours
Elevation (watch): 1225m up, 1244m down, 2469m in total

to visugpx
- distance : 14.88 km
- cum. elevation gain : 972 m
- cum. elevation loss : 972 m
- total elevation: 1944
- altitude maxi : 655 m
- altitude mini : 81 m
- altitude average : 335 m
I followed the
GR10-trail and the tarmac-road south of the Bastan-river and finally
the rural road to the field with
bm086 (a remake of yesterday)
From bm086 I walk
(using gps and compass) the 318 meters (procès-verbal) to where bm087
should be.
And that's approximately where 3 trees are standing just
north of the
barn. But no trace of bm087.
to the maps the bend in the borderline
should be
just south of the barn, on the north side of the rural road
to be
precise. See the map below. But also there: no trace of
a bordermarker.
On the picture we see the barn from north with one of the 3 trees in
front of it.
Map copied from
the Sitna (Navarra) mapsite
Showing the bend in the border where bordermarker 087 should be. |
I descend to the
bottom of the valley and look for bm088. But
I realize that I should go further.
I climb on a path (on Spanish soil) uphill.
Picture: looking back , in the distance we see the green
meadow with the barn where bm087 should have been.
Move the cursor over the
picture to see the approximate borderline.
I climb untill I
come across a trail coming from left from the barn (see
Following that trail to the right I reach a stone-walled field (a
the west-side of
the stone-walled field I'm searching for a long time. The
'procès-verbal' mentions a "rocher voisin", a neighbouring
and that's where I find the bordercross!
Bm088 with a little
help of chalk
And again
And again, looking
into Spain. |
And an overview of
the situation.
Move the cursor over the
picture to see where bm088 is.
I return to the
barn following the just discovered trail from the walled field
to the barn.
Mostly a clear trail, sometimes vague.
Made while approaching the barn, this picture allows a good
comparison with the map below.
Move the cursor over the
picture to see the approximate borderline.
And once again the map taken from
the Sitna (Navarra) mapsite
the bend in the border where bordermarker 087 should be.
From the
barn (after a last search for bm088), I climb the zigzag rural road,
continuing on a yellow waymarked path to the GR10-trail to
descend to Bidarray.
But - before I
leave - this picture taken from the barn in the direction of
Move the cursor over the
picture to see the approximate borderline.
And just for my own record: our hotel
in Bidarray 2 nights earlier.
And our hotel in
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