bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- 7 june
2009 -
Heavy day, low clouds
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Part of a 16-days trip, using day 1-10 to cover bm154 to 264 in the
eastern Pyrenees and day 11-16 for bm416 to 365 near Bagnères-de-Luchon.
Day 13: from Fos climbing along the GR10 to the borderridge and doing bm406 to bm398.
Weather: the low clouds are a disappointment, it's chilly.
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
According to my watch:
Duration: 8-18u, in total 10.02 hours, 1 hour break
Up: 2152 m
Down: 794 m
Total elevation: 2946 m
Highest point: 2165 m
Lowest point: 529 m

to visugpx
- distance : 17.61 km
- cum. elevation gain : 2127 m
- cum. elevation loss : 748 m
- total elevation: 2875 m
- altitude maxi : 2178 m
- altitude mini : 537 m
- altitude average: 1556 m
Ready to start on the Fos-camping.
I'm a good climber but today, the 1600m-climb along the GR10 to the
first bm is hard. My backpack felt heavy, a lot of panting.
A break at this Cabane Artiguessans after the first 1000m elevation.
I have arrived on a cloudy altitude and I have to search for the GR10-waymarks, also because of snowfields still present.
But finally I reach Col d'Enclot and follow the ridge to the left,
passing high above this lake (Étang de dessus) and arrive at
Pic de la Hage with bm406
From here I want to explore a route to bm407 and 408.
This picture: looking SEE with the village of Canejan visible on the hillside far away.
I follow the ridge until it gets too
sharp/rocky. Then along a trail underneath the ridge that seems to
cross the ridge further on. But that is in fact a sort of branch of the
Because of the time, the limited view and my tiredness I decide to return. This takes more preparation.
I return on the trail (is on the map) which brings me - more or less - to
From here I can follow the GR10 along the borderridge. This was once a
variant of the GR10 but seems to be promoted to the main route.
Then along bm404
and bm403
and bm402
and bm401
and bm400
and bm399
and finally bm398.
The GR10 leaves the borderridge and
I find this bivouac-spot, not far from Cabane de Peyrehitte.
There's no running water, I have get water from a tiny lake.
It's been a tough, tough day because of all that climbing.
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