bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
10 june
2009 -
Back to Col du Portillon
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Earth or copy link to Google Maps;
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link to download gpx-version)
Part of a 16-days trip, using day 1-10 to cover bm154 to 264 in the
eastern Pyrenees and day 11-16 for bm416 to 365 near Bagnères-de-Luchon.
Day 16: from Col du Portillon a reconnaissance of routes to bm374,
finding bm367 and searching the markers at the W-side of the Col.
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
According to my watch:
Duration: 9.30-18.00, in total 8.26 hours, breaks ± 1 hour
Up: 1175 m
Down: 1186 m
Total elevation 2361 m
Highest point:1742 m
Lowest point: 1302 m

to visugpx
- distance : 10.95 km
- cum. elevation gain : 833 m
- cum. elevation loss : 826 m
- total elevation: 1659
- altitude maxi : 1741 m
- altitude mini : 1299 m
- altitude average : 1452 m
My hotel in Bagnères-du-Luchon.
I get a lift from two workmen to the Col du
Portillon. Underway, they make a short stop to collect mushrooms.
Part 1: exploring the route to the cabane beyond bm373, finding bm367.
At Col du Portillon, I climb the rock behind bm366 at its left-side.
Apparently, this painted marker is on the backside but I can't remember that exactly.
From there I keep following the double red stripes on the trees which do indeed follow the ridge.
A next rocky hill, I pass on its left side. To the right - down below - there's a Spanish dirtroad close or very close.
At a certain point, the 'red' route descends to a clear point of contact with the dirtroad.
From the dirtroad (this picture) you can see a large tree with red
stripes and a F. Moreover there's a mountainbike-sign on that side and
a 'CACA'-sign on the other side of the road.
This is nice entry point into the forest towards bm367. From bm366, you can simply follow the Spanish dirtroad until this point.
I continue along the red stripes, keep an eye on rocky outcrops and discover
Bm367. I continue
along the stripes = the ridge and pass the 'piton' where I searched
intensively yesterdag for bm367. Then there's another small hill after
which - on a sort of pass - I see bm368. Then - after another small
hill - in a muddy valley bm369.
From bm369, the borderridge is not clear but there are still red
stripes leading you - higher up - to bm371 with already in sight bm371
higher on.
Then I go to the left, still following the stripes until I loose them
or they vanish. Anyway, the ridge is getting again more distinct but
remember to go - further on - to the left of the ridge. Otherwise you
might miss the rocky outcrop where bm372 and bm273 are.
bm373, descending N to the cabane. The cabane is good orientation
point. There's a stream in the NW-corner of the meadow. Keep in mind
that the next stream/source is beyond bm397 along the GR10-trail, a
half day of walking further.
I take a break, nicely in a garden chair I found inside the cabin.
Just before the cabane, a trail goes left, entering the forest further on.
Move the cursor
over the picture to see the approximate trail from the second meadow, climbing to bm374
2: a reconnaissance of a GRPdesBF-route towards bm374 and returning to
Col de Portillon. First a Google Earth map of my reconnaissance from
the cabane.

First I try the trail just above the cabane going W but that one enters
the forest too high. You have to take a vague cattle track just below
the cabane which bring you to the W-corner of the meadow. In the forest
the track gets more distinct and brings you with a slight curve to the
S-corner of the second meadow.
From the second meadow - at its W and NW-side - , there are two entry point into the forest roughly going N:
1. at the lowest (NW) point where two tracks merge and enter the forest and become more like a forest-road.
2. in the higher corner (W) where a forest-road starts but soon becomes a path.
ad 2. : I first try nr. 2, as soon as you enter the forest, you will
see through the trees the open hillside towards bm374 to your left. I
climbed directly to the open hillside. I descend back, apparently don't
recognize trail nr. 2 and end up on trail nr. 1
ad 1. : I climb along this forest-road which becomes a path which
becomes a cattle track. If you doubt, keep following the most distinct
track/path. The trail leaves the forest,winds through large boulders
and arrives at the foot of the last climb to the cabane near bm374. At
one point the cabane is already visible. I stop and return to the
meadow, there I repeat part of trail nr. 2 for a gps-track.
- trail 2 is shorter but requires steep climbing in the forest and on the hillside
- trail 1 is more elegant, more beautiful but longer.
I return to the cabane and from there pick up the borderline and go
back, making again pictures of the bordermarkers, I did yesterday.
Beyond bm367, at that point of contact with the dirtroad, I pick up the dirtroad and walk back to Col du Portillon with
A second break at the picknick-table alongside bm366.
Part 3: searching the bordermarkers at the other side of the Col.
The border doesn't simply cross the Col but descends a while along the
west-side of the road to the S/SW and then - at a large triangular
pillar - enters the forest on a forest-road.
There are small unnumbered markers along the road and in the forest (until bm365), with a F and E on either side.
Along the forest-road I spot again
those double red stripes which follow/indicate the borderline. But not
everywhere it seems: not at bm361 and perhaps not at bm364 which I
didn't find.
I easily find bm365, above the road.
But further on - along the forest-road - I can't find bm364.
With help of the red stripes and the distances mentioned in the
Procès-Verbal, I can establish its location quite well but no trace of
bm364. Higher upon the hill there's a larger rocky outcrop but that
seems too far away from the red stripes.
In 2010 I will
learn that bm364 wasn't found either by Robert Darrieumerlou and Paco
Nudels. Paco - however - shows an old picture of the cross on this page. Paco
got his picture from the "Archives de La Guardia Civil".
I go on, following the red stripes. The forest-road has become more of a path and after some winding, I find

Beyond bm363 there's no real path anymore but the red stripes bring me to
The distances mentioned in the Procès-Verbal between the bordermarkers are a good help.
Then walking becomes scrambling over large boulders and I find - more by chance -
It's located at the tilted side of a rockwall on top of those boulders mentioned above.
But it's off the 'red line' of double striped trees. However, there's
an indication on the red line itself: a bit below bm361 there's red
cross painted on a rock.
Bm361 looks amateuristic.
It seems only painted but the number is engraved (a little). The other
bordercrosses around look a lot better and more professional.
The Procès-Verbal mentions a "anfractuosité" nearby, that's a hole or cave. I can't remember seeing such a hole/cave.
I follow the 'red line' downhill to a stream and a trail. There I find
I return, trying to go along the previous markers with help of my
gps-compass but I get a bit lost. Especially after bm363, I end up too
high in the forest.
I search again - in vain - for bm364
Then - beyond bm365 - a picture of one of those unnumbered submarkers.

And this is the triangular 'submarker' at the point where the border leaves the edge of the tarmac road
and enters the forest.

Another unnumbered
submarker, this one between the Col du Portillon and the pillar in the
previous picture.
From the col I get a lift back to town (again by someone doing a
spa-therapy in Bagnères-du-Luchon, this one works in a mortuary).
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