bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
25 august
2010 -
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Summary: part of a 11-days backpacking trip from Cauterets to
Loudenvielle ‘doing” bm315 to bm330. Day 1: from Refuge Wallon via Port d’Arretille (bm314) into Spain untill close to bm315.
Weather: splendid, at night: full moon.
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
Start: 09.30, break: 0.45h, finish: 18.15, net walking time: 8h
According to the gp-tripteller:
Distance: 16,1 km
Time moved: 5.47h
Time standing still: 3.09h
In Total: 8.52h
Total ascent: 1125m
Maximum height: 2517m

to visugpx
- distance : 15.89 km
- cum. elevation gain : 1218 m
- cum. elevation loss : 852 m
- total elevation: 2070m
- altitude maxi : 2525 m
- altitude mini : 1766 m
- altitude average : 2082 m
previous day I had hiked from Cauterets to Refuge Wallon after a long
cardrive from Holland.
From my bivouac-site near Refuge Wallon, it
takes me 2.45h climbing to Port d’Arretille. On this picture in the distance on the ridge.
Overall well
waymarked by cairns + in the last part from the lake white and
white/red/white waymarks.
Then descending into Spain, the white/red/white-waymarking bends
however to the left. So – descending southwards into the vally –
there’s mostly no trail besides an occasional cairn. However, that’s no
problem. I keep to the right side of the stream but not too close.
Later on there’s a valley coming from the right. At the confluence of
both streams from both valleys, you’ll come across the
GR11-(red/white)-waymarking. |
I follow the GR11 downwards and pass later on a cabin.
At the next
stream coming from the left, the ascent for bm315 starts (according to
a trail-indication on the Spanish 50k-map).
It takes trial and error to find a route uphill - there’s no trail in the field– and it’s heavy climbing on that grass. |
I ended up more to the south of the Barranco Salto. I was glad to find a flat spot for my tent, I was exhausted.
Looking back how the route should be (I guess): at that mentioned
stream, climb a bit higher, then heading SE, gently climbing,
untill you come across the stream Barranco Salto. Then climb along that
stream untill you reach the high part: more flat and hilly and
the borderridge in sight,
Notice the borderridge on this picture.
The rest of the route: see tomorrow.
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