bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
27 august
2010 -
Assiette du randonneur
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Summary: part of a 11-days backpacking trip from Cauterets to
Loudenvielle ‘doing” bm315 to bm330. Day 3: descending from the border-ridge to Gavarnie and climbing back into the mountains.
Weather: overall a warm and sunny day.
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
Start: 08.30, break: 12.45-14.15, finish: 16.45, net walking time: 6.45 According to the gp-tripteller: Distance: 17,6 km Time moved: 5.36h Time standing still: 2.39h In total: 8.15h Total ascent: 813m Maximum height: 2285m

to visugpx
- distance : 16.02 km
- cum. elevation gain : 826 m
- cum. elevation loss : 972 m
- total elevation: 1798
- altitude maxi : 2281 m
- altitude mini : 1374 m
- altitude average : 1872 m
windy night causing numerous wake-ups by the noise.
I try a shortcut to
bm319 but the roadside is too steep, it’s better to take the path to
the parking area and then continue on the tarmac road to bm319
Further on, the road is blocked by fallen rocks like this. The roads ends at the borderline anyway
The Port de Boucharo in sight, with the rock with bm319.
Bm319, looking back into France
This whole area around Mont Perdu is an Unesco Heritage site as this plate at the back of the rock, kindly tells us.
Looking into Spain from the Port. On a Spanish map there's a winding road visible from here to down below. But there's no trace of it in the landscape, only a footpath.
a long tiring descent into the Vallée des Pouey Aspé along Cabane des soldats to Gavarnie.
A bit lower in the valley
Before and after Gavarnie splendid views
of the Cirque de Gavarnie.
In Gavarnie lunch with
an “assiette du randonneur”.
Beyond the Maison du Parc and between two houses in a narrow alley,
starts the trail to Refuge de Espaguetttes. After the bridge to the
right and the path climbs along a stream at your left through a beach
forest. That’s a delight after two days of exposed mountain terrain. |
on there are sign-boards again, waymarking is not abundant but it
should do to bring you to Refuge des Espaguettes, 200m off the path.
This is a zoom-in on the summit of Vignemale, visible to the nw. |
And again: splendid views on Cirque de Gavarnie
And here looking forward to the rocky ridge of Hourquette d'Alans, the mountain-pass I will climb tomorrow.
It's too late to continue to bm320 and there’s a nice camping-spot with a
running waterhose nearby and with some shelter from a wall. The wind has subsided and low clouds are sailing in, sealing off the outer world.
Camp: N42 43 12.6 E000 00 52.6 H2061m
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