bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
27 may
2011 -
Spotting wild boars
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(click to open this trip in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version)
part of a 7-days trip to the Pyrénées Orientales with Jan-Willem.
Mainly reconnaissances of routes. Supreme highlight: sailing to bm602 on day 1.
Day 7: reconnaissance from Hostal de la Muga of a route to Pla de la Muga.
Weather: : cloudy, hazy
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
En route: 9 - 11.45.
According to the gp-tripteller: Distance: 8 km Time en route: 2.45h Total ascent: 319m Maximum height: 1009m

to visugpx
- distance : 7.49 km
- cum. elevation gain : 371 m
- cum. elevation loss : 365 m
- total elevation: 736 m
- altitude maxi : 1030 m
- altitude mini : 718 m
- altitude average : 826 m
Yesterdag, I saw on a 50k Spanish map a trail from Pla de la Muga to Hostal de la Muga. That's our target today
This remote and beautiful corner of Catalonia has been promoted in recent years as a MTB and hiking area.
(photo by Jan-Willem)
As proved by these signs.
(photo by Jan-Willem)
follow the dirtroad to the west, neglect the branch to the right
(barred with a chain) and continue past the bend where the Muga crosses
the road. But there’s no trace of a trail going to the west.
we return and try the barred branch which leads us on a fine forest
road to the west.
The road ends actually at the river-bed of the Muga, as seen on this picture. Signs point to hunter's posts.
the (dry) river-bed upstream for a short while, we arrive at the red
sandy banks so characteristic of the upstream of la Muga. However,
there's no trail going further west to Pla de la Muga.
According to the gps we’re at a distance of ± 600 meters from
bm523. |
We return. It's silent and mysterious in the forest, we spot wild boars.
(photo by Jan-Willem)
The barred branch at the right. |
We return to Hostal de la Muga and our car.
We were here first in 2007 and Hostal de la Muga is slowly turning into ruins.
For us this spot is kind of magical, it's history shrouded. |
After a lunch in a restaurant, we decide to pack our things rightaway and drive back to Holland this very afternoon.
(photo by Jan-Willem)
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