bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- 24 august
2011 -
No vertigo
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(click to open this trip
in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version)
part of a 3-weeks trip to the Pyrénées to 'do' the ± 60
remaining bordermarkers. All done as daytrips from campings.
Day 10: an afternoon trip doing bm280 & 281.
Weather: all day cloudy, manifesting as fog at this height
explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
En route (±): 12 - 17.30 (5.30h)
According to the gps-tripteller:
Distance: 14,9 km
Cum. elevation gain : 773m
Total elevation: 1546m
Maximum height: 1843m
Time: 5.16h

to visugpx
- distance : 13,1km
- cum. elevation gain : 790m
- cum. elevation loss : 790m
- total elevation: 1580m
- altitude maxi : 1904m
- altitude mini : 1284m
- altitude average : 1655m
From the parking of Forges d’Abel climbing to the pass of Escalé d’Aigue
This picture: the final part of the climb.
I would expect the cross bm280 to be on the pass itself but it’s
on the edge of a rock at the N, overlooking the pass. The engraver
apparently didn’t suffer from vertigo.
Bm280, overlooking the pass
Then on the Spanish side over the grass heading SW along the hill slopes,
crossing a few times a stream, following cattle-tracks as it suits.
Later on you will enter foothills and soon join the GR11-trail (be
attentive not to miss it). Continue SE on the GR11.
The GR10 will bring you to the Lac d’Estaens, a large lake.
It takes quite
some time to go along/above it untill you descend to the SE-corner of
the lake.
I missed a bend of the GR11 and descended by misstake to the NW corner of the lake.
I returned to the GR11 but much later I wondered if my misstake might be a more direct route to bm281.
See next picture.

The yellow line is the suggested shortcut.
So back to the GR11. On my way, I spot green/yellow waymarks which I saw two days earlier near Col de Somport, here together with the GR11-waymarks.
At the SE-corner of the lake, I leave the GR11 and go N along
the lake.
At its most nothern point, the Port de Benere Vannu
(visible on this picture) is just a small climb.

From the Port de Benere Vannu, this panorama-view of the lake. |
Again the cross is not on the pass itself but on a outcrop
sticking out of the ridge. In this case: ± 40m to the NE.
The fog is now permanent and I decide to descend, back to my car.
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