The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
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- saturday 13 september 2014 -
Bm601bis repainted

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(click to open this trip in Google Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this link to download gpx-version)

Summary: part of a 2-weeks trip along the entire Pyrenees, focussing on high altitude reconnaissance of parts of my GRPdesBF-trail.

Today: a short stroll from Coll dels Belitres to bm601bis which has been repainted this summer.

Weather: sunny
For explanation of the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds: see the cartography-page

According to visugpx

- distance : 2,6 km
- total elevation: 145m
- altitude average : 171m

In fact this is a detour from our drive from Girona to St-Girons. I know from Cayetano that bm601bis has been repainted recently.

Yesterday I picked up my 'copine' Karin at the Girona-airport for a long weekend of sight-seeing and visiting friends. That's also the end of this holiday. At tuesday I will drive home.

From Coll dels Belitres, we walk in the direction of bm601. This picture: the last climb to

Bm601, view to Portbou
Bm601, view to Cerbère.
Then to bm601bis, hardly visible on this picture.
Fresh painting as you can see
I descend a little to the cliff which descends steeply towards bm602 which is in a cave.

But our time is too limited to have a better look.

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