bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
tuesday 23 july
2019 -
Redoing bm058 & 059
trip |

Summary: day 3 of a 5 days-trip to the Basque country, revisiting bordermarkers and checking my GRPdesBF-trail.
Today: redoing bm058 and 059 starting from the parking of the Grottes of Sare.
Our basecamp is camping Xokoan in Dantxarinea.
Weather: it's going to be another very hot day but in the early morning
it's still pleasant. On the ridge there is a strong wind.

According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected track):
Distance: 8,1 km
Max-height: 737m
Min-height: 200m
Elevation: +753m -752m
Total elevation: 1503m
Start 07:34 Finish 11:50
Total time: 4:16
 | We start at parking lot of the caves of Sare.
We take a broad trail uphill
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 | which is a pleasant walk. It's still fresh in the early morning hours and higher up by the wind.
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 | Later on the trail gets 'thinner' but about at that division of broad path and thinner trail, I can spot to the right uphill
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 | bm058.
I go back and forth to it (70m SSW uphill).
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 | Bm058, la Rhune in the distance.
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 | Bm058, looking downhill, roughly in the direction of the borderline.
A direct descent to bm059 is not practical because of the fern.
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 | Jan-Willem spots a herd of sheep
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 | while he takes a rest
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 | playing with his smartphone and enjoying a smoke.
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 | We
have some difficulties in finding the right trail to the pass over the
hillridge of Atxuria. we first follow by misstake a trail to its summit
and have to return
This picture: Jan-Willem is following in the distance.
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 | This is the ridge and 'pass' looking N. From bm057 you will climb to this pass and descend at the other side towards bm058.
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 | A sort of shelter at its side.
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 | Perfect for a break while sheltering for the strong wind on the ridge.
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 | The brave mountaineers reposing.
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 | Then we return. In the background La Rhune.
In the beginnin, there is no obvious trail leading to the trail going beneath bm058.
But if you descend ± 200m NW you will get to that trail.
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 | The landscape is beautiful.
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 | Looking down the hill in the direction of the borderline. You can see the stone quarry. The border passes at its right side.
As said before a direct descent is not practical in this season because of the fern.
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 | When coming from the ridge, it is not obvious where bm058 stands. However I can spot its top
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 | above (zoom-in)
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 | (further zoom-in) above the fern.
But bm058 can best be done from the trail underneath it, going back and
forth. About where the trail gets broader, head 70m SSE uphill to get
to bm058.
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 | Back on the broad track with the ever present La Rhune in the background.
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 | We return to the parking lot and at its end we cross
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 | the gate with youthful ease (my car in the background).
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 | On 6-4-2009 this path was still a road.
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 | We arrive at the Spanish side of the border with this meadow. Left along the meadow is the border following a stream(bed).
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 | We walk counter clockwise around the meadow on a road.
Then a bit further on the road there is a faint trail entering the
forest (at a bifork go right) which brings us easily to a sign with
"BF59" on it!
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 | And there he is.
It would have been hard to find it without this sign in this overgrown
streambed. The gps is here very imprecise with all the trees.
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 | Bm059
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 | Bm059
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 | Bm059
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 | Corinne Gourgeonnet has reported a stone marker at its foot with
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 | a groove at the top.
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 | While cleaning we discover a peculiar engraving, looking a bit like a fallus.
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 | I can't remember if we checked the other side, I suppose so.
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 | Bm059 after a little touch with the brush.
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 | Back at the road, Jan-Willem points where to enter the forest.
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 | Nearby we take a last coffee break
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 | and then return to the car.
This picture: this was the open space where we camped on 6-4-2009.
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 | Finally - having finished early - we visit the interesting caves of Sare like ordinary tourists.
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 | Our evening dinner.
Our casting is strict: I do the cooking, Jan-Willem washes the dishes.
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trip |