bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
saturday 27 june
2020 -
Redoing 001

part of a series of 6 trips in june 2020 near Luchon and in the Basque
country. This is trip 6, the last one.
Today: before I drive home, I visit once again bm001.
Weather: cloudy

According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected track):
Distance: 2,5 km
Max-height: 69m
Min-height: 11m
Elevation: +136m -134m
Total elevation: 270m
Start 7:40 Finish 9:00
Total time: 1:20
 | Departure from the camping in Dantxaria at 7 am.
Driving to this old bridge over the Bidasoa-river.
The red line shows how to get on the trail to bm001.
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 | An obvious path
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 | but 'blocked' for an unknown reason by this ribbon. Never mind, just step over it.
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 | Note the red-white waymarks
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 | The trail climbs,
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 | giving this view to the river and road and
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 | makes a semi-circle
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 | to arrive further at this point.
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 | Zoom-in: red-white cross, still the trail continues in about that direction parallel to the river.
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 | But this is the spot where you have to turn left to descend SW to bm001.
Note the rock.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Zoom-in to the rock and a red-white cross on the tree.
Descend between rock and tree
(click photo to enlarge)
 | on this trail which leads
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 | to this hillside with
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 | soon bm001 in sight.
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 | Bm001, a bit difficult to photograph the number without falling off the ridge into the river.
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 | Bm001, last picture.
I return the same way, back to the road. This trip hence and forth to bm001 took me ± 1 hour.
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 | From the bridge
(click photo to enlarge)
 | this zoom-in to bm001.
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 | Bm001
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 | This is a cycle track from Irùn along the river, in the background the old bridge.
This is in fact an alternative route from Hendaye / Irùn towards bmoo1.
From bm001 one might climb directly along the hillside to bm002. A steep climb of about 300m elevation.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | The cycle track is part of a much longer cycle track
(click photo to enlarge)
 | on a former railway line.
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 | This explains the project and
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 | this plan shows the total length.
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 | More information on the cycle track.
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 | I walk along the cycle track to make additional pictures of bm001.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm001
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm001
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 | Further on this view to bm001.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm001
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm001
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 | And to finish my last pictures of bm001.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm001
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm001
Then I drive home via Bordeaux and Yvetot in one go: from 9 am to 12 pm, relatively smoothly.
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trip |