bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
saturday 12 september
2020 -
Backpacking along 272-279 -> day 1: doing 272
trip |

part of a series of 6 daytrips and 1 multiday trip in september 2020 in
the Pyrénées Atlantiques. This is trip 7 - day 1
Today: from the camping in Lescun hiking to the Sources de Marmitou.
After pitching my tent, a short trip to bm272 and a reconnaissance of
the trail up the Añelarra-ridge.
Weather: sunny, warm

According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected track):
Distance: 14,9 km
Max-height: 2123m
Min-height: 853m
Elevation: +1400m -404m
Total elevation: 1804m
Start 9:06 Finish 16:47
Total time: 7:41

Yesterday, I left the camping in Arette and parked my car in Etsaut and followed the GR10-trail to the camping in Lescun.
Seemed an easy approach to Lescun but I didn't look well on the maps.
You need to climb ± 1000m to Col de Barranq and that was hard in the
full sun and with a full backpack. Then a long descent to Lescun.
My target was Sources de Marmitou but I stopped at the Lescun-camping around 4pm.
 | After a mediocre night of sleeping, I continue.
This picture: from the camping, looking in the direction of today and that is
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 | first the beginning of the valley leading up to Sources de Marmitou.
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 | On meandering roads I walk to the Plateau de Sanchèse.
This is the parking before the final part of the (dirt)road to the Plateau.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | That is still 2km walking and camping is forbidden.
This dirtroad is no problem for ordinary cars and driving as such to the Plateau is not forbidden.
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 | Arriving at the beautiful and vast plains of
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 | Plateau de Sanchèse where I spot several campers and tents despite the ban on camping.
It's a perfect place for a bivouac
(click photo to enlarge)
 | This picture: the route up to the valley
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 | which climbs to Sources de Marmitou.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Climbing along the path,
(click photo to enlarge)
 | partly rocky, to
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 | to the beginning of the valley which
(click photo to enlarge)
 | opens soon in full glory. To the left the cabin of Cayolars d'Anaye.
It took me one hour from the Plateau to this cabin.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | This is in fact the second day of my multiday trip and my backpack is feeling heavy.
On this rock, I have my lunch and take a nap lying on the warm surface of the rock.
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 | After an hour - from the cabin - arriving at the upper valley with
(click photo to enlarge)
 | the Sources the Marmitou and the 2 Cols pointed out on this picture.
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 | I find a perfect spot for my tent, in a circle of stones.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | With a sort of daypack, I will do a hence and forth trip to Col d'Anaye.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Further on towards Col d'Anaye, I spot red-white waymarks.
They are from the GRT12/13-trail between Refugio de Belagua in Spain via Col d'Anaye to the Refuge de l'Abérouat in France.
See this pdf with a map and information and this gpx-file.
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 | Arriving at a higher level
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 | with a bifurcation ahead
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 | to bm272 and the Col d'Anaye (or Insole).
I suppose that the pass where bm272 can be found was the principal passage in the 19th century.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | I head for bm272. No trails but not difficult to find your way.
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 | Arriving at bm272.
Spot the dead tree in front, that helps locating bm272.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm272
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm272
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm272
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 | Bm272, looking to the west where I will continue.
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 | Looking back to bm272, spot again the dead tree.
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 | Further on, looking back to bm272.
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 | Zoom-in to bm272.
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 | About 200m W of bm272, I come across these red-white waymarks.
They are from a trail (GR12) from Refugio Belagua to Col d'Anaye and returning via a southern traject back to the Refugio.
(click photo to enlarge)
Let's show that on a map (derived from this pdf):

What is very interesting is that there is a GRT13-extension to the
south. This GRT13 is a connection between the French GR10-trail and the
Spanish GR11-trail.
At one point one can leave the GRT13 and follow trails to Col de
Pétragème (bm273). That provides an alternative route from bm272 to
bm273 (largely waymarked) instead of the route I will follow tomorrow.
Let's show this in more detail on the following map:

More about this alternative route tomorrow.
 | Back to today: I follow the red-white waymarks through rough terrain towards Col d'Anaye.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | My target is the trail steep up to the Añelarra-ridge.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Now I am close to the waysign-post at the Col.
I want to try again that trail. I did that first on 1-9-2013.
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 | The signpost.
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 | I start - from the signpost - climbing along a trail towards the rockwall.
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 | Getting closer to the rockwall.
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 | Having arrived at the rockwall and looking back.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Then it's a bit of rock-scrambling until
(click photo to enlarge)
 | you are at the foot of this corridor.
(click photo to enlarge)
That's where I stop. Since 2013 the trail has become more slippery with
loose grit. Or: I have become more cautious. And it's already too late
to continue to the ridge.
But most of all, I doubt if this is a safe enough route from bm271 up
on the ridge down to bm272. My Grpdesbf-trail is meant for full
backpacking and descending with a full backpack on this slippery
underground seems hazardous.
I decide that it's better to skip this part in my itinerary.
What does that mean for my GRPdesBF-trail? The stage from bm262 to Sources de Marmitou will then change as follows:

And the ne map becomes as follows:

 | Enough about the routes. I return to Sources de Marmitou,
(click photo to enlarge)
 | to my tent where I arrive around 5pm.
So time enough for cooking, eating and preparing myself for the night.
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trip |