bordermarkers of the
Pyrenees : the GRPdesBF
GRPdesBF is the "Grande Randonnée Pyrénéenne des Bornes Frontières". It's
my own coast-to-coast trail along the borderdermarkers, in ± 50 stages.
GRPdesBF will be published on this website and
will be fully ready in 2024. Check the basic principles here.
a few years of bordermarker-searching in the Pyrenees, a
question occurred to me. Why not design
a long-distance trail connecting all these bordermarkers? It
seemed too ambitious and megalomanic but the idea kept coming back & back.
2008 I visited the mystical Qolliriti-festival in the mountains of
Peru. A festival where Peruvians play their dreams in order to make
them true. They build miniature houses, buy toy cars with fake money,
put their fake mony on a fake bank, even perform fake-weddings.
remembered my own dream and rebuilt the Pyrenees-range with
stones. Confetti was used to lay out my GRPdesBF-trail. I bought
a toy-car to
facilitate the transport and 20.000 fake-euro's to finance
the project. That provided the drive and determination I needed.
In 2009 I took a few months off from my job. I started working on this
website and
in 5 trips to the Pyrenees I 'did' about 330 bordermarkers. Together
with the approximately 290 bordermarkers I found from 2000 to 2008 and the additional ones in 2010-2018,
there were only a few left.