The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
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- 4 june 2004 -
Double and flattened bm's

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A nice & easy stroll from Puigcerda (where Karin and I are spending a few days) to Bourg-Madame and back.
We cross the border-bridge and make a loop in Bourg-Madame

Bm480 : both markers

This bridge crosses the river Rahur which is the border for ± 1,5 km here.
In the middle of the bridge you see the two markers right and left. Along the river there are several double bordermarkers: one at the French side, one at the Spanish side.


At the north-side of the bridge.


At the south-side of the bridge


We made a loop in Bourg-Madame and got back to the border at the sw-side of the village where we found this bm.

Another one - probably bm484 - was spotted further on in the fields (no picture made for whatever reason).


While walking back to the borderbridge along the river, we stumbled on this peculiar bm: a metal plate in the streetsurface.

In close-up. Note that this is one of two bordermarkers 481 on either side of the river.
A passerby told us that there was a similar plate back in the street. That had to be bm482 but we couldn't find it.
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