bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
monday 4 september
2023 -
Climbing to basecamp bm330bis with Carlos & Conchita
trip |

part of a series of 9 daytrips in september 2023.
This is day 4.
Today: a short and easy walk to a bivouac -spot with Carlos &
Conchita from where we will climb to bm330bis tomorrow morning.
Weather: sunny, nice
Same trip to be seen at Carlos & Conchita's website.

According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected track with elevation added by
Distance: 6,0 km
Max-height: 2142m
Min-height: 1740m
Elevation: +467m -75m
Total elevation: 542m
Start 13:02 Finish 16:26
Total time: 3:24
 | I meet Carlos and Conchita 12:30 at the large parking at the start of the dirtroad towards Refugio d'Estos.
That dirtroad is forbidden for private cars but Carlos arranged a 4x4
taxi who brings us on the rocky and bumby (and rather dull) dirtroad until the end of it.
That saves us 6km walking and 550m climbing, let's say 2 hours of walking.
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 | This is the end of the dirtroad with a shepher's cabin.
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 | That where the trail starts to Refugio d'Estos and beyond (which is the GR11).
Free camping forbidden but who cares? We don't.
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 | It's a beautiful walk
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 | to the Refugio d'Estos
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 | where we take a break.
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 | Then continuing on the trail.
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 | At one point we leave the trail and climb to this pastoral plateau.
The climb to bm330bis is for tomorrow and we will camp here. I took us 1:15 to get here from the Refugio.
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 | This is the first time ever that Carlos & Conchita camp in the wild.
They borrowed the tent from their son David.
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 | In the background my tent.
All seems well in this peaceful landscape. But the cows are curious and
approach our tents over and over and chasing them away helps only a while.
Moreover, the noise of their bells gets on your nerves quite soon.
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 | Nevertheless, we go to sleep early.
But the cows don't.....
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