The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- 28 august
2007 - The longest day
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Kml: esfr-trip-track-20070828.kml (click to open in Google Earth or copy link to Google Maps)
Part of two trips in the Cerdagne, starting from Enveitg. Day 2: from Enveitg to Refugio de Manyol, finding bm434-429
En route: ± 12.15 hours
Time walked: ± 11½ hours
According to my watch:
cum. positive elevation: 1805m
cum. negative elevation: 1006m
total elevation: 2811m
max. altitude: 2671m
min. altitude: 1225m

According to gpx-view: Distance : 20.182 km Altitudes : Maxi 2738 m Mini 1237 m Denivellation: +1448 m -711 m
I left the camping in Entveig at 7am, needing 3 hours to reach the dirtroad close to bm438.
Today I took mountain roads on the French side to climb the mountain. I remember spotting a fox with two cubs.
After some descending to collect water at a stream, I find my way through the
broom on cattle-tracks to the spot where bm437I must be, according to my
But I can't find it despite an intensive search.
Then - more difficult - through the broom to the spot of bm437. But I can't find that one either.
This picture: the approximate place.
Struggling on through the broom to a more open slope where bm436 must be. But same story: unfindable. |
A view back on the valley where I started this morning.
I also can't find bm435, despite a clear description and gps-location.
But two years later I discover on the above picture a cross! |
And when comparing it with the pictures on this webpage of Alain Laridon, I come to the conclusion that it must be bm435.
I keep climbing on the ridge. This picture: looking back.
It's not difficult to spot bm434 on Pic de la Tos.
Coordinates N42 29 11.9 E1 49 24.5 H2384m
Then to bm433, tilted but well visible from distance.
Coordinates: N42 29 04.4 E1 49 10.0 H2384m
 | Bm432, the highest point of a bunch of rocks (Roc Colon).
N42 28 59.4 E1 49 00.2 H2412
 | Bm432
 | The Roc Colon (with bm432) from distance.
At the next angle of the borderline, there should be an unnumbered cross. But I can't find it but didn't really search.
 | Bm431, easy to find
N42 29 25.4 E1 48 15.4 H2572m
 | Well, let's say: Mementi Mori
 | This
is an interesting zoom-in: we see an arrow-shape from which the
vertical line is the forest-corridor between bm443 and bm444.
 | Bm430 at the highest point of the pic of Pedros de la Tosa.
N42 29 07.7 E1 47 30.9 H2700m
On my pda/gps this angle in the borderline is located ± 40m to the NW
 | The Pedros de la Tosa from distance.
 | Bm429 near Font Bovedor, at the confluence of two streams.
N42 29 10.2 E1 46 40.6 H2690m
 | You
could bivouac here (it's flat, there's water) but that could be
rough in bad weather on this 2700m-high plateau..
 | The pillar behind the bordercross is probably a Comarco-bm, marking the Spanish community-borders.
My pda/gps locates bm429 about 100m to the NE.
 | It takes a while to find the cairns marking the trail from Puig Pedros to Refugio de Manyol, down in the valley. |
 | The
descent took me ± 1½ hours. Near the Refugio there's this camping area
with access to streaming water at the stone bridge, just beyond the
The next day - in very windy weather -I will return to Latour-de-Carol / Puigcerda on the GR11-trail. The end of this holiday.
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