The bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- monday 16 march
2009 - Sleeping next to the chapel
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esfr-trip-track-20090316.kml (click to open in Google Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this link to download gpx-version)
Part of a 5-days trip to the eastern Pyrenees.
Day 1: no bordermarkers, just a reconnaissance of a possible access to bm542
For explanation of the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds: see my cartography page

According to visugpx - distance : 10.15 km - cum. elevation gain : 388 m - cum. elevation loss : 221 m - total elevation: 609 m
- altitude maxi : 547 m - altitude mini : 233 m - altitude average : 387 m
It's ± 2 hours walking from Albanya to the chapel of Saint
Bartomeu. I got to Albanya from Figueres with a taxi after an
early flight from Eindhoven to Girona.
In this deserted area there are many hiking and mountainbike trails.
After climbing a coll there's the final descent.
This picture shows to the left the valley of the stream - Rio Mayor - where upstream bm542 is located. |
The branch of the road leading to the
river Muga - just before you reach the path to the chapel - takes
you to a sort of refuge (closed now). Last year and in 2007 there
was a chain, blocking the road.
After passing the Muga, the road crosses the Rio Mayor.
This picture: looking upstream the Rio Mayor. Access to bm542 seems possible along the stream.
And camping next to the chapel under the stars. It's a beautiful, lonely and spiritual place.
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