bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
10 september
2009 -
Exploring a shortcut to bm313
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(click to open in Google
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of a 5-days trip from Col de Somport to Cauterets, exploring bm305 to
bm314. Day 4: from Port de la Peyre St. Martin to near Refuge Wallon, exploring in
between a short-cut to Port de Marcadau with bm313.
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
According to my watch:
Duration: 8.30-18.45, in total 10.15 hours, break
1.15 hours
According to my gps:
- walking: 6.43
- standing stil: 3.34
- in total: 10.17
- distance: 20.4 km
- average speed while walking: 3,0 km/h

to visugpx
- distance : 17.85 km
- cum. elevation gain : 1295 m
- cum. elevation loss : 1661 m
- total elevation: 2956
- altitude maxi : 2665 m
- altitude mini : 1937 m
- altitude average : 2296 m
It's been a cold night, ice on the tent. Bright stars, a clear half-moon.
Descending back to the grass near the lake and walking to that distinct rounded hill.
Near the hill, there are signs pointing to Col de la Fache.
And that's a long and nice climb.
Finally, I arrive at this lake, just underneath the Col de la Fache.
From bm312 to this Col takes about 2¼ hours.
From the Col looking back, in the distance the reservoir of Embalso de Respumoso.
While descending, I look carefully if there's a shortcut possible along the two tiny lakes at the right to Port de Marcadau. It seems not and I descend further along the trail to Refuge de Wallon.
Later that day, I will discover that shortcut.
Move the cursor over the
picture to see trails etc.
Descending untill a little bridge, 15 minutes left from the Refuge.
is not my cup of tea: from Col to Refuge takes 1½ hours according
to a sign. It took me to that bridge ± 2 hours. Time for a break.
On this picture: while descending the Refuge Wallon visible in the valley.
After the break I climb to Port du Marcadau on a well waymarked and fine trail.
When approaching the Port
and curving into the last 'cirque' to the pass (which is not
the final pass but a lower one before, as I will discover later), I
spot to the right a trail branching off the main trail. A
shortcut to Col de la Fache, I presume.
At first the trail
climbs and then continues on a sort of hillridge parallel to the
mountain-ridge in NW-direction, sufficiently waymarked by cairns. Then the trail descends along a rock-face and I loose the cairns in a large rock-slide.
This picture: apparently the spot where the shortcut starts but I'm not sure.
But I see to the right down below a lake I've seen before when I descended from Col de la Fache. That means I'm right.
find my way (without a trail or cairns) to the path coming from Col de
la Fache. From there I have an overview how this short-cut can be.
Hereunder: my description of the shortcut.
- coming from Col de la Fache you'll
reach a grassy part after the rocky descent. To the right you'll
see a lake below. A bit further, the trail passes left along a hillock -
now leave the trail to the right, going right along that hill and
descend along a little stream (streaming to the lake) untill about
halfway that stream. -then you are more or less at the same level
as the diagonal passage along that rockface. Now head to that
passage, passing some rock-slides and climb that passage
Move the cursor over the
picture to see trails etc. |
This is that hillock, mentioned above. The main trail - to Refuge Wallon - goes left along this hillock.
So: at this point you should leave the path to the right.
Move the cursor over the picture to see trails etc. |
Back to the description: - after that diagonal passage, pick up the cairns-trail which will lead you to the trail to Port de Marcadau - this shortcut between the two trails takes approximately ½ hour -start and end of this shortcut are on the IGN-25k maps.
I return to the trail to Port de Marcadau - content with finding this shortcut - and climb to the Port. From Col de la Fache to Port de Marcadau is ± 1¼ hour.
Bm313, looking into Spain
Bm313, looking into France
Bm313 from some distance (the rockpile at the left)
Meanwhile, it's 5.15pm and in 1½ hour I descend to
this camping-spot, about 15 minutes from Refuge Wallon.
Camp: N42 48 56.8 W0 12 16.0 H1932m
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