bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
21 march
2011 -
Les Albères revisited
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(click to open in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps;
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link to download gpx-version)
Summary: part of a 5-days trip from Portbou to a bit beyond Le Perthus
(bm600-bm560). A remake of a trip in april 2006, now with a gps. Day 1:
from Portbou to bm596.
Weather: sunny and cloudy, chilly at the end
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
Start: 14-, finish: 18-, net walking time: 4h
According to the gp-tripteller: Distance: 10,2km Time en route: 3.57h Total ascent: 887m Final height: 559m

to visugpx
- distance : 9.68 km
- cum. elevation gain : 807 m
- cum. elevation loss : 265 m
- total elevation: 1072 m
- altitude maxi : 626 m
- altitude mini : 5 m
- altitude average : 352 m
Having arrived by plane in Girona and travelled by train to Portbou, I start my trip with a view on the Méditerranée.
I clim to the borderridge along that waymarked trail directly to bm600.
Looking back at Portbou.
To bm599 I tried two trails, finding the one at the French side better
and nicer. Bm599 is vandalized, the rock seems quite brittle.
Bm599, not recognizable in this damaged status but I have pictures of my 2006-trip.
The vertical red stripes are meant to represent the Catalan
Coat of Arms. I will see this kind of vandalizing a lot on this 5-days
For the offenders apparently a way of boosting Catalan
patriotic feelings. For me it's just vandalizing cultural-historical
Further on, looking back at the pass with bm599. There's also a large container standing at the pass.
Bm598, reached by just following the
trail (on the French side, white/yellow waymarked). It's on the rock
left to the road, just before the grassy pass. |
Bm598, looking forward to the hilltop of Torr de Querroig.
Then a long rocky climb to Torr de Querroig but passing underneath the summit.
This picture: looking back at Coll de la Farella where bm598 is.
I've passed underneath Torr de Querroig and arrived at Col de Rumpissar.
This information panel tell's the story of this pass used by refugees from occupied France into Spain in WWII.
I allmost miss bm597 at the eastside of Col de Rumpissar, my gps
showing waypoint further on. That's my first experience with wrongly
located waypoints, found on Google Earth.
A bit further on, this view back on the Torr de Querroig.

Bm596 is somewhat hidden at the westside of a pass above the fountain of Font de Taraveus.
I descend through the bush to that fountain and camp besides it along the dirt road.
I'm tired. It's windy and getting cold.
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