bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
- 31 august
2012 -
Failed mission
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(click to open this trip
in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version)
Summary: part of a 2½-weeks-trip to the Pyrenees with a lot of targets, most of them reconnaisances of routes for the GRPdesBF.
Day 6: a short trip to Cayolars d’Anaye and back, the weather not permitting further progress to le Table des trois rois
Weather: rainy
explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
Start: 8.30, finish: 11.15, net walking time: 2.45
According to the gps-tripteller:
Distance: 7,8km
En route: 2.38h
Total ascent: 448m
Maximum height: 1508m

to visugpx
- distance : 6,2 km
- cum. elevation gain : 456m
- cum. elevation loss : 460m
- total elevation: 916m
- altitude maxi : 1531m
- altitude mini : 1084m
- altitude average : 1274m
I hoped the weather would improve while climbing from the grass plain
of Pla de Sanchez to the Sources of Marmitou and further tothe Table des trois roi etcetera
The trail from the plain to the next level, once carved in the rocks.
Passing a few donkeys.
arriving at the open valley with the cabanes d'Anaye. It has started to
rain. I check for a short distance the branch of the trail (red dotted
line) which climbs to the hill-ridge left and the summit of Le
Perhaps there’s a shortcut possible from here to Lac de Lhurs and then
to the next valley to Cabane de Pédain and then to Col de Pétragème
with bm273. We’re now talking about possible routes from bm272 to 273.
This shortcut would be an alternative for a detour via Pla de Sanchez,
Pont Lamareich and Cabanes d’Ansabère. Both routes - however - are
alternatives for the 'royal' route: from Col d'Anaye via Col des
Ourtets, the Table des trois roi and Col d’Esqueste. But that one is
only safe in good weather.
Let's show it on this map which I drew and commented after my 20110820-trip.

View is W. Click to here to see an enlargement.
Red line: from Col d’Anaye (bm272) descending to sources de
Marmitou, then climbing SEE to a sort of Col, then descending S to
a bit W of Lac de Lhurs. From there, there’s a trail (according to the map of „La senda
de Camille“) leading to an unnamed Col. From that col, descend to the lower bunch
(of the two) of big boulders up in the valley, then climb S to a
sort of ridge going semicircle around a kind of bowl. There’s a
trail on the ridge, leading to Col de Petrageme (bm273). From bm273, it's a semi-circle to bm274.
Blue line: a shortcut via Cols des Ourtets to the Table des Trois Rois to the Col d'Esqueste, described in the HRP-guide of Georges Véron.
Then - further on - the shepherds
invite me in for a coffee and we chat pleasantly about the routes in
this area, the bears and about … bordermarkers.
They assure me that today it will keep raining in the high mountains.
So I return and make it an impromptu lazy day with a lunch in Etsaut, shopping, laundry etcetera.
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