bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
saturday 10 september
2016 -
Revisiting bm540-541
trip |
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Summary: Part of a 9-days trip to the Pyrenees, covering various
targets from east to west.
Today: trying to descend directly to bm542 but doing that at the wrong
Basecamp is the camping in St-Laurent-de-Cerdans
Weather: warm, sunny
explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds: see the cartography-page
The gps-track has not been manually corrected which explains the
inaccuracy and misalignment at some points.
Started at 11h , finish at 14:30

to Gps-Track-Analyse
- distance : 7,2 km
- cum. elevation gain : 658m
- cum. elevation loss : 658m
- total elevation: 1316m
- altitude maxi : 763m
- altitude mini : 589m
- altitude average : 674m

Starting at Can d'Amunt, the former restaurant looks like a fortress now.
I go right here, along the wall
bringing me in 75m to this bifurcation where I take the left trail going down.
Further on - approx. after 1km - there's another bifurcation. I take the left trail (note the yellow waymarks)
Then - after ± 500m - this bifurcation: to the right is to bm540, to the left is
to bm541. I head for this direction.
In between another sign pointing to bm541.
On my way back, I will go wrong at this point.
Then I arrive at hunter's post P6.
And that's where things go wrong.
I think I'm at approximately P7 where I descended to bm542 at 9 april 2014
without much problem. The blue line is my track of that day. And
checking its report, it turns out that the position of P6 has changed!
I try descend from the actual position of P6 to bm542 but find
the vegetation having become too dense to get through. I give up after several trials.
I continue to bm541 but I'm puzzled because it's not the ridge to the
SE that I remember and there's no bm541. Also the trails are
I'm desoriented and decide to walk through the forest to bm540 using my gps.
This picture: almost at bm540
I see a sign pointing to bm541

But first bm540
I like the blue/white color-combination.
And this is the familiar trail from bm540 to 541
along the cliff.
At this point, you will pass a dry pond.
In earlier years filled with dirty water.
I arrive - close to P7 - at a small open space where Jan-Willem and I camped at 5 april 2008.
P7 is
As said, this spot used to be P6 and this where you can descend fairly easy towards bm542.
I return a bit to the open space from the previous picture where a waymarked trail starts, going
up the ridge and then going left (E) and ending at
The bm seems to be painted recently.
There is an addition: RF. The initials of the painter?
Tomorrow I will see the same RF at bm542.
I return to the open space and P7 without realizing that's where I descended successfully to bm542 at 9 april 2014.
I retun, believing that a direct descent
to bm542 has become too difficult due to vegetation getting denser and
This picture: on my way back I pass P2.
There are painted waymarks
and then I take a wrong turn - passing P3 -
and ending here at a cliff. I return
and I am back where I went wrong
I missed
these signs.
Back to Can d'Amunt and to the camping,