bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
11 july
2010 -
Sneaking into gardens
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(click to open in Google
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long daytrip from Puigcerda with the main target of finding the Llvian
bm's 24,26 & 27 which where not found on my trip on 28
sept 2005. But Martial Garcia did find them in 2009 and his
information is very helpful.
Weather: very warm and sunny untill halfway the afternoon.
For explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
According to the gps-tripteller:
- 32,4km
- time moved 6.57
- time standing still 3.47
- in total ± 10.45 including breaks
- total ascent: 505meters
- maximum height: 1582m

to visugpx
- distance : 30.5 km
- cum. elevation gain : 530 m
- cum. elevation loss : 526 m
- total elevation: 1056
- altitude maxi : 1575 m
- altitude mini : 1142 m
- altitude average : 1329 m
start (6.45am) in Puigcerda. Before crossing the border-bridge to
Bourg-Madame, I enter the garden (tackling the wall along the river) of
that large - probably inhabited - house (though I notice a car besides
I found bm481es there on
july 2005 and I want another picture and a gps-waypoint.
It's difficult to find it again but the bm is still there, covered in a
bush and by moss, standing just besides the wall.
I sneak out of the
garden and continue: While crossing the bridge, I make pictures of the
bm's 480 on the bridge
via Onzès, Lliva-town and Cereja to LL25..
It's nice & quiet on this beautiful sunday morning.
Reaching LL25 takes
a detour through the forest.
further to the camping "La Griollo". This is a sign of a trail
"discovering an enclave" I saw on the camping. No idea of its course or
extent but intriguing.
Anyway: via country roads to the sewer-cleaning-facility near
Abundant weed and a
swollen stream
make getting to the conjuction of the two streams - just beyond the
installation - somewhat difficult.
But findig LL24 is easy: its's ± 20
meters beyond the conjunction at the right bank of the stream at the
top of a boulder.
LL24 with the help
of chalk.
I climb along the small stream back to the camping-area. By the way:
climbing directly from LL24 to LL25 can be done. I remember doing that
on 28 sept 2005.
A beer at the camping-bar
and a nice chat with the dutch landlady about the self-centeredness of
both French and Spanish communities in this borderregion.
There's hardly any exchange.
Further via the
tarmac road - with Martial's information - to LL26 which is easily
found thanks to that information..
along the side of a meadow surrounded by an iron cable. The meadow is -
say - 100 meters from the tarmac road. The bm is along the side
parallel to the road
The next one - LL27
- is more
difficult to find in a bunch of boulders, all covered with moss and
hidden by bush. Martial's direction of a luggage rack thrown against
it, is indispensable..
These boulders are situated next to the road and the one with the bm
more close to it..
The cross itself is
on on top of the boulder and not obvious to notice from the ground.
The boulder with
LL26 on top.
And now chalked.

Further to LL28 for
a remake-picture and waypointing.
And finally to LL29
to photograph the
cross on top of this boulder, as Martial found out.
I return via Ceraja
to Llivia-town and visit for a moment of
memento-mori this cemetery.
On my way to
Puigcerda, I
somehow miss the country road to Onzès and so I pass LL01 on
main road between Llivia-town and Puigcerda.
Backside of LL01

As I reach
the viaduct/bridge over the Rahur, a thunderstorm starts.
I take shelter underneath the viaduct.

After the storm, I
cross the bridge and

make pictures of
the special (unnumbered) bordermarkers on it



And take from the
bridge a picture of the old bridge over the Rahur which is the border.

and subsequently
recross the Rahur on that old bridge with the bm's 477.



Via the country
road to Bourg-Madame, bm479fr is still there behind the
fence of the garden of a youth holiday center. I take my chance - it's
rainy, everyone is inside -to sneak on the premises and make close
pictures and waypoints.
In Bourg-Madame sheltering again for a second wave of rain &
thunder and then back to Puigcerda.
night I watch together with the hotel-owner's family the world champion
soccer final between Spain and Holland, lost by my fellow countrymen.... |
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