bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
11 may
2012 -
Easy trail to bm001
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Summary: part of a 6-days trip - accompanied by Jan-Willem Doomen- with
daytrip-targets in the Basque country, near Fos and around Puigcerda.
Day 1: investigating trails to bm001
Weather: cloudy
explanation of
the gps-coordinates and other cartographic backgrounds:
see my cartography page
En route: 16.30 - 18.30 (2h)
According to the gps-tripteller:
Distance: 2,9 km
Cum. elevation gain: 237m
Total elevation: 474m
Maximum height: 147m
Time: 1.50h

to visugpx
- distance: 2,8 km
- cum. elevation gain: 217m
- cum. elevation loss: 216m
- total elevation: 433m
- altitude maxi: 122m
- altitude mini: 20m
- altitude average: 55m
The previous day we drove from Holland, having an overnight stop at a camping in Maçon near Tours.
Our target for today: bm001. Point of departure: the 'old' bridge over the Bidasso near the hamlet of Endarlatsa.
This picture: the bridge starts at the bend in the road.
Just before the bridge, at its east-bank, there's a path to an electricity-building.
at its gate, there's a steep trail starting at your right-hand.
It happens to be waymarked (blue dots) and brings you in ± 10 min. |
to a
point where a blue arrow on a tree points downwards (and a blue cross on another tree prevents
you from going too far).
We follow the blue waymarks and cairns downwards to bm001.
This - from the electricity-building- is the "easy"
route to bm001, mentioned by the Darrieu's and Vigor & Sanz.
(Photo by Jan-Willem)

Nice panaroma-picture of the scene (photo by Jan-Willem) with me (orange spot) at bm001.
The R stands for Repère which means place or location.
Bm001, making pictures like this is not easy on the edge of the steep cliff where this bm is standing.
Bm001, backside and looking to the old bridge.
We climb back to the point where the blue arrow point downwards.
Spot the small greenish boulder down the hillside where the trail
continues to bm001. This boulder - together with the arrow - will help
you recognize this location.
this point, there's actually a bifork (see the picture further on).
Beyond the blue cross there's a
continuation of the blue trail uphill to (I presume) bm002. To the left of the blue cross, another trail leads northwards.
I try the blue trail uphill for a while. This picture: an impression of the steep and rough hillside.
On 20090402 there wasn't a trail, I climbed
straight uphill to bm002.
I return and then we try the other fork northwards along the wooded hillside.
It slowly descends and is sparingly waymarked with blue paint and some cairns.
It brings us - as we hoped - to the long stretched meadow along the river with a ruin at the forest-edge.
We were here before on 20090401 and 20090402
This picture: looking southwards.
Conclusion: this trail is a connection between the meadow and the
Once arrived at the borderline - this picture - (where the blue arrow points
downwards and you can see the small greenish boulder further down), you can descend to bm001
and climb back and further along
the blue trail (I presume) to bm002.
This picture: looking N the forementioned bifork. To the right is
uphill (beyond the blue cross), to the left is towards the meadow along
the river.
We're back at the bridge. You can see bm001 (white spot) at the 'cliff'.
Via Elizondo in Spain, we drive to a camping in Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry, our basecamp for the next two nights.
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