bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
sunday 12 september
2021 -
Redoing bm321
trip |

part of a series of 11 daytrips in september 2021 in the western half
of the Pyrenees. This is day 5.
Today: a short trip from the Cirque de Troumouse to revisit bm321.
Why? I want to have 'done' every bordermarker at least twice. I visited bm321 for the first time on 29-8-2010.
Weather: splendid

According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected track with elevation added by
Distance: 9,4km
Max-height: 2688m
Min-height: 1819m
Elevation: +961m -960m
Total elevation: 1921m
Start 11:16 Finish 16:04
Total time: 4:49
 | From
camping Mialanne in Arrens-Marsous, I drive on this beautiful sunday
morning to the Cirque de Troumouse, up to the parking near Auberge du
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 | Further driving is not possibele anymore,
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 | so I have to walk the last part to the foot of the final climb.
But you can also take the winding tarmac road.
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 | Wayfindig is not difficult.
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 | It's a popular hiking area.
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 | Suddenly I spot a sort of shuttle train which apparently takes tourists from the parking to the upper level and back.
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 | The trail crosses the road
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 | and continues over the grass for the last part.
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 | Port de la Canau (bm321) is already indicated.
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 | A panorama of the impressive Cirque de Troumouse.
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 | Arriving at a sort of parking (but not accessible for tourists) with
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 | a lot of directions. Port de la Canau is still 2:15h, it says.
But that is exaggerared: it took me 1:15 to get to the Port.
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 | A touristic facility at the spot
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 | with a toilet
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 | and information panels on the inside. I will have a closer look later.
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 | After the last waysign directing to Port de la Canau, the route is not obvious.
This is the approximate route to follow.
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 | There is vague trail and some cairns
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 | to guide you to the entrance of the ravine climbing up to the Port.
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 | From that 'entrance' a view back
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 | to Auberge de Maillet with the parking.
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 | There is a distinct - but often rocky - trail
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 | leading uphill.
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 | The last part in view. This is a quite high pass (± 1700) and the thin air requires deep breathing.
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 | Now arriving at the Port de la Canau. In the background the white plaque
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 | besides bm321.
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 | Bm321
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm321
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 | Bm321
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 | Bm321
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 | Bm321
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 | The plaque besides bm321.
The plaque has been placed in at some time in the last 10 years but probably in 2017 or earlier.
I saw a similar one besides bm317 (Col de Bernatoire) on 3-8-2017.
The question remains: why did they pick these two borderpasses and not other ones?
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 | A view into Spain.
On 29-8-2010 I climbed the Port from the Spanish side.
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 | Looking into France
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 | Overview of the pass from the side of bm321.
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 | And a last view back to bm321.
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 | Descending
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 | back.
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 | Now I am back at the 'entrance'.
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 | Returning to the upper parking with the small exhibibion-building.
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 | Zoom-in to the statue of the Vièrge de Troumouse and
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 | the Cabane de la Vièrge.
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 | In the building there is information about the Cirque de Troumouse
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 | and the Port de la Canau.
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 | Zoom-in
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 | Zoom-in
One can see a collection of Lucien Briet's pictures on postcards on this page.
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 | Zoom-in
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 | Then returning to the lower parking, first part along the road with a view on the mighty mountainside.
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 | Again spotting the 'shuttle train'.
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 | Almost back at the parking
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 | and then - on my way out the Cirque - stopping here.
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 | It's the spot where a kind of dirtroad - coming from approximately Lac des Gloriettes - joins the road.
Tomorrow I will check the other side of this connection between Lac des Gloriettes and the Cirque de Troumouse.
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 | Waysign confirming the connection I saw on the maps and wanted to check.
I drive down the valley to Luz-St-Sauveur to camping le Hounta to stay there for 2 nights.
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