bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
tuesday 30 august
2022 -
Redoing adfr-bm's, 478f, 479fr, 480-482,
LL16, LL20, LL21, LL32-34
trip |

part of a series of 9 daytrips in august & september 2022 across
the Pyrenees. The main goal was to finish my plan to have visited all
bordermarkers at least twice. It was also a kind of sentimental farewell journey, visiting old friends and cherished places.
This is daytrip 5.
Today: after redoing the Adfr-bm's, a few trips near Puigcerda
Weather: sunny, warm


The day before I visited my friend Charles Darrieu in Saint Girons and
slept one night at the camping in L'Hospitalet-
près-de-l'Andorre. |
Trip 1: the Adfr-bordermarkers

A short trip to do the Adfr-bordermarkers for the second time.
They were installed in 2019 (more information on this page)
(click to open this trip
in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version).
The gps-track has not been
manually corrected which explains the
inaccuracy and misalignment at some points. |
According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected track with elevation added by
Distance: 3,6 km
Max-height: 2355m
Min-height: 2216m
Elevation: +188m -188m
Total elevation: 376m
Start 9:16 Finish 11:07
Total time: 1:51 |
 | Pas de la Casa in the background.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | The approach to the Adfr-bordermarkers is relaxed on easy mountain roads
(click photo to enlarge)
 | to Estany de les Abelles.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | This is Adfr0a,
The first in the row of 6 bordermarkers. The third one is numbered "1"
but this one and the second (and fourth) have only 'AND-FR' engraved.
To be able to sort all bm's in the right order, I numbered them as 0a en 0b.
NB: these bordermarkers, including adfr1a (with only AND & FR on
them, no number) don't qualify for my counting of how many
bordermarkers there are. Why? Because they lack an alpha-numerical indication, fitting in the 1-602 number-
sequence. See this page for my definition.
BUT: you shouldn't skip them if you want to do them all!
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0a
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0a
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0a
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0a in the front, adfr0b in the background.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0a, view from its backside
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0b is not so easy to find between all the rocks.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0b
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0b
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0b
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0b
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr0b
(click photo to enlarge)
 | The next one is no. 1: Adfr1
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Looking back
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Approaching Adfr1a
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1a
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1a
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1a with no. 2 in the background
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1a
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr1a
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr2
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr2
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr2
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr2
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr2
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Then uphill, the last one: Adfr3
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr3
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr3
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr3
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr3
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr3
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Adfr3
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Then returning and passing Adfr2 again.
Back to the car and driving to Bourg-Madame,
(click photo to enlarge)
Trip 2: bm478f, 479fr, 480-482
Bourg-Madame a walk along some bordermarkers and a visit to 2 old ones
at the edge of the city. Some of them I did more than 10 years ago,
another criterium I invented, or I did them only once before in their
single or double status.
(click to open this trip
in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version).
The gps-track has not been
manually corrected which explains the
inaccuracy and misalignment at some points. |
According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected track with elevation added by
Distance: 4,0 km
Max-height: 1151m
Min-height: 1129m
Elevation: +57m -57m
Total elevation: 114m
Start 12:22 Finish 13:44
Total time: 1:22 |
 | Parking in Bourg-Madame
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481fr, I will visit the original marker later.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm480 - both markers, looking into Spain
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm480-south
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm480-south
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm480-south
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm480-south
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm480-north
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm480-north
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm480-north
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm480-north
(click photo to enlarge)
 | I have a look the deserted villa which has been unhabited since the first time I visited bm481es on its premises on 10-7-2005.
That surprises me still: who doesn't want to live in a villa with its own bordermarker?
(click photo to enlarge)
 | I know how to get to bm481es.
There is a trail between the wall and the river which brings you to a spot where you can easily climb over the wall.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481es is along the wall.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481es
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481es
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481es
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481es
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481es
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481es with the villa.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm481es with to the left the breach in the wall.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | I climb back over the wall.
Someone sleeps here now and then.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Back at the bridge: bm480 - both markers, looking into France
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Then heading N and passing bm479fr in the garden of a youth institution.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | But first to bm478fr, still on an enclosed piece of land.
High fences and closed gates still obstruct access, so it seems.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Zoom-in to bm478fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | But I know that there is a better way to see bm478fr and that is from the riverside.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm478fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm478fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm478fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm478fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Still no access discovered but on my way back I try the south side of the field and see that the fence has been damaged.
I take my chance and slip quickly into the field towards
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm478fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm478fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm478fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm478fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm478fr
I am happy that I succeeded to get so close.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Then returning to the youth institution with this lovely climbing wall.
A passer-by tells me that the institution left this building a few years ago so no one is there.
I can easily climb the fence
(click photo to enlarge)
 | to photograph bm479fr.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm479fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm479fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm479fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | This is the spot where I climbed over the fence.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Then walking to the S to bm482fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | which is also a metal plate in the tarmac-surface.
The original marker, I will visit later.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm482fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm482fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm482fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | I am close to bm42es so why not do that one as well.
I have to cross a stream
(click photo to enlarge)
 | and I don't bother to take off my running-shoes. They dry quickly.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm482es
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm482es
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Then back throught the stream and returning to my car.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm482fr-old is in the outskirts of Bourg-Madame, on the premises of the border police.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm482fr-old
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm482fr-old
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm482fr-old
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm482fr-old
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Same story for bm4821fr-old.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm4821fr-old
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm4821fr-old
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm4821fr-old
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Bm4821fr-old
(click photo to enlarge)
Trip 3: LL32-34
My next goal is to redo some Llivia-bordermarkers which I did only once before in their single or double status.
NB: 32-34 must be 31-34.

Map and Gps-track of the 1st walk
(click to open this trip
in Google
Earth or copy link to Google Maps; click right on this
link to download gpx-version).
The gps-track has not been
manually corrected which explains the
inaccuracy and misalignment at some points. |
This profile refers only to the short walk I did along LL31-34.
According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected track with elevation added by
Distance: 1,7 km
Max-height: 1416m
Min-height: 1406m
Elevation: +26m -27m
Total elevation: 53m
Start 14:18 Finish 15:09
Total time: 0:51 |
 | LL34ll
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL34 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL34ll
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL34ll
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL34fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL34fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL34 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL33 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL33 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL33ll
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL33ll
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL33fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL33 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL32 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL32fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL32ll
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL32 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL31 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL31ll
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL31ll
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL31fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL31 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | Returning to the car.
There is something interesting here. The double bordermarkers 31-34 are on either side of the little stream.
But if we read the Llivia-
bordertreaty carefully, we see that on the (now) French side a dirtroad
('chemin') along the stream was included. So one marker at the S-side
of the stream, the other one at the outer (N-) side of the dirtroad.
And the middle of that dirtroad was the borderline! So: not the stream. Read all about it in this article.
(click photo to enlarge)
Trip 4: LL16, LL20, LL21 |
 | Then the final part of today. Also here Llivia-bordermarkers which I did only once before in their single or double status.
LL20 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL20 -both markers
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL20ll
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL20fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL20fr
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL21
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL21
Back to the car and driving to
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL16south
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL16south
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL16 -both markers, looking into Llivia.
That is to say: I planted my red-white pole at the other side of the
That is because also marker 16 was implemented in double markers on
either side of the road.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | But LL16north has disappeared, possibly after an enlargement of the road.
The red-white pole is planted at the supposed spot of LLnorth.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | LL216-both markers, looking into Llivia.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | I did some pricking and digging at the supposed spot of LL16north but with no result.
Enough for today.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | I pitch my tent at the camping in Err, one of my favourite campings in the Pyrenees.
(click photo to enlarge)
trip |