bordermarkers of the Pyrenees : all my trips
saturday 3 september
2022 -
Revisiting bm540 and Sant Bartomeu de
trip |

part of a series of 9 daytrips in august & september 2022 across
the Pyrenees. The main goal was to finish my plan to have visited all
bordermarkers at least twice. It was also a kind of sentimental farewell journey, visiting old friends and cherished places.
This is daytrip 8.
Today: a nostalgic visit to the church of Sant Bartomeu de Pincaró and an investigation of an alternative route to bm536.
Weather: lightly overcast & also sunny
Basecamp: camping Verte Rive in St-Laurent-de-Cerdans

According to Garmin
Basecamp (uncorrected track with elevation added by
Distance: 12,1 km
Max-height: 765m
Min-height: 381m
Elevation: +1017m -1005m
Total elevation: 2022m
Start 11:25 Finish 16:00
Total time: 4:35

I had a bad day yesterday.
The weather was perfect for swimming to bm602 but at the parking in Portbou I forgot to put on the handbrake.
My car escaped and collided with another car. A lot of hassle, filling in papers etcetera and no swimming.
 | A rainy and chilly morning.
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 | Parking at Can d'Amunt, it looks like a fortress nowadays.
I was told that the Belgian owner that Jan-Willem and me spoke years
ago (with ambitious plans to reopen the restaurant) still lives here.
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 | I pick up the trail and soon there is this bifork.
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 | There are yellow waymarks but not very consistent.
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 | A waysign. I suppose that they mean the church of Sant Bartomeu de Pincaró
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 | Another waysign
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 | And this is another bifork.
To the left is a trail towards bm541 but that seemed in earlier trips to have faded away.
If your goal is bm541, you better first head to bm540 and then proceed to bm541.
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 | In between a view to
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 | the source of La Muga.
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 | Zoom-in with a house visible which much have a tremendous view.
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 | I arrive at bm540.
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 | Bm540
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 | Bm540
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 | Bm540
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 | I descend into Spain,
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 | cairns help.
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 | Arriving at the dry streambed of La Muga.
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 | The route follows for a while - ± 115m -the streambed and then enters the forest at the other side.
Without a
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 | waysign like this, it would be difficult to find this entrance.
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 | After a bit of climbing, I reach the mountain road with
(click photo to enlarge)
 | a waysign back to Coustouges.
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 | The entrance of the forest is also
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 | waymarked with yellow paint.
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 | I walk E down the mountain road and arrive at the access to the church.
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 | A short climb and there is the church of Sant Bartomeu de Pincaró
(click photo to enlarge)
 | At a wall I see this plaque saying:
In memory of all
the neighbors of
these mountains
who rest in this
(click photo to enlarge)
 | It's a lovely and spiritual place.
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I have special memories of this church. I camped here on 16-3-2009 and 18-3-2009.
 | In the church
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 | there is no furniture, the blue paint strikes the eyes.
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 | On the altar
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 | there are notes of previous visitors
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 | including a note in secret code.
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 | A view from the outside
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 | I return and I am back at the beginning of the access road to the church.
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 | Now I continue on the mountain road W towards Hostal de la Muga.
In between this view.
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 | My goal is an exploration of a trail to an old watermill close to bm536.
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I found that trail in recent years on the OSM-map.
I might be a faster alternative route to bm536 and then on via bm537-539 to bm540.
 | The entrance into the forest is marked with a cairn.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | I descend but soon there is no recognizable trail and the cairns disappear aloso.
So I give up and return to the mountain road.
(click photo to enlarge)
 | And walk back to the spot
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 | where the trail to Coustouges descends into the forest.
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 | Descending through the forest
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 | to the dry streambed of La Muga
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 | and further on - after ± 115m - entering the forest again
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 | with help of this waysign.
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 | And climbing back towards bm540
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 | and walking back to Can d'Amunt.
This picture: close to Can d'Amunt, this is the roof of a water-reservoir.
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which you can see on this picture of 18-4-2007 in the background.
I camped here with Jan-Willem and we were lucky to get water from that reservoir.
The terrain has now got overgrown with bamble bushes.
 | Back at Can d'Amunt
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 | and my car.
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 | Then - in Coustouges - an unexpected meeting with Jean and Conchita Iglesias.
I was too shy to bell at their doorbell but then I spotted them watching the petanque-game in the village.
It took Jean a moment to recognize me and then he exclaimed: "l'Hollandais !".
Jean guided me on 18-3-2009 to bm342, together with his son Marc and a friend of his, a trip I cherish ever since.
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 | I was so kindly invitated to their house, treated with dessert and wine and also their son Marc was immediately called.
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 | And so we had our reunion after 13 years.
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To compare: this is the picture of the 'ski-après' of our trip of 18-3-2009 |
 | I said it earlier, I am in a sentimental-journey mood.
I also wanted to visit the spot behind the cemetery where I camped twice.
(click photo to enlarge)
The first time was on 6-4-2008 with Jan-Willem Doomen. |
And the second time on 17-3-2009. the day before I was guided by Jean Iglesias to bm542.
 | Now it's a horse meadow.
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 | Last picture of Coustouges before returning to the camping.
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trip |